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I’ve been meaning to put this video up for a few days now, which comes from SEGA’s TGS stream. It’s not a whole lot of footage, but you can get a look at Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX above.

Hero Bank 2 trailer

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 3 Comments

Ken Sugimori has played a very prominent role in the Pokemon series. He not only drew all of the original 151 Pokemon personally, but has also contributed to the movies, trading cards, and video games.

Now, while Sugimori is generally associated with Pokemon, he has worked with other companies and IPs. His latest creation? The boxart for SEGA 3D Reprint Archives. You can definitely see his style sprinkled throughout the image!


Sega will be releasing a retail compilation of their 3D Classics collection on December 18th for 3980 yen. Included in the package will be:

  • 3D Space Harrier
  • 3D Fantasy Zone
  • 3D Outrun
  • 3D Streets of Rage
  • 3D Shinobi 2
  • 3D Ecco the Dolphin
  • “Bonus” titles Space Harrier 3D and Outrun 3D will be included


Initial D Perfect Shift Online seems to have been a success for SEGA. The company recently announced that the free-to-play game has been downloaded over 400,000 times. Initial D Perfect Shift Online launched in April, so the feat was accomplished in about six months.


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