Zelda: Twilight Princess HD tweet (3/3/16)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii U | 3 Comments
“Malo” is still tweeting away on the Japanese Zelda Twitter page about Twilight Princess. Today, he talks a bit about fishing… and shares probably the funniest message yet!
Here’s our translation:
“…It’s Malo. Sometimes you’d better take a breather… Tips for fishing well? Ah right… don’t get distracted by the woman behind you. For some reason all adult males are unable to do that though…”
Nintendo NY news – watch Nintendo Direct live, Twilight Princess HD poster
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 3 Comments
We have a couple of updates from Nintendo NY straight from the store’s Twitter account.
First, Nintendo NY will be hosting an event for tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct. Fans can stop by and watch the presentation as it happens on a 15-foot screen.
Come watch the #NintendoDirectNA with us tomorrow, 3/3, at 5PM EST on our 15 ft gaming screen on the second floor at #NintendoNYC!
— Nintendo NY (@NintendoNYC) March 2, 2016
Nintendo NY will also be selling Zelda: Twilight Princess HD starting this Friday. Those who purchase the game will receive a poster in addition to the Sound Selection CD.
Receive a Sound Selection CD and poster w/ purch. of #TwilightPrincessHD on 3/4 at #NintendoNYC, while supplies last pic.twitter.com/SdPr4tKuts
— Nintendo NY (@NintendoNYC) March 2, 2016
Zelda: Twilight Princess HD – Wii U vs. GameCube vs. Wii frame rate test
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 7 Comments
Digital Foundry has conducted another technical analysis on The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. In the video below, you can see how all three versions of the game stack up from a frame rate standpoint.
Digital Foundry says that Twilight Princess HD does see the rare frame rate drop. In Faron Woods for example, the game is usually running at 25 FPS due to the alpha transparency effect used for the fog. In the end though, the frame rate is mostly steady, and the publication says it’s “more evenly optimized experience than 2013’s Wind Waker HD, where navigating the seas could see more worrying drops to 20fps.”
Aonuma and Sano on Twilight Princess HD – thinking behind remake, Miiverse stamps, Wolf Link amiibo, more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
Nintendo Life has published its full interview pertaining to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. Series proucer Eiji Aonuma and Wii U assistant director Tomomi Sano participated in the discussion. Between the two, they discussed the thought process behind remaking Twilight Princess HD, the frame rate, enhancements that were tough to implement, and what went into the Miiverse stamps and Wolf Link amiibo.
Head on below for some excerpts from the interview. For the full talk, visit this page.
Zelda: Twilight Princess HD tweet (3/1/16)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 20 Comments
The Japanese Zelda Twitter account is having more fun wither another tweet from “Malo”. In today’s message, he touches briefly on the Iron Boots.
Here’s our translation:
“…It’s Malo. He’s wearing boots made of iron… But why could he stand upside-down… Normally he should have fallen… Until the trick is exposed, I won’t let him out of my shop even for one step…”
Aonuma talks about how Zelda: Twilight Princess connected with his wife and son
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 5 Comments
Nintendo Life recently had the opportunity to speak with Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma about Twilight Princess HD. When asked about what makes the game an important entry in the franchise and resonating with players, Aonuma decided to refer to the experiences his wife and son had with the game.
Here’s what he shared:
This is a very difficult question. There’s lots of different things that make Twilight Princess an important title, and I don’t have a single conclusive answer for you. However, there was one thing rather personal to me that stands out. Until the original version was released, my wife had never shown any interest in playing any of the games I’d made. But all of a sudden, without any encouragement from me at all, she played through the whole of Twilight Princess together with our son, who was just three at the time.
I asked her why she decided to play and she replied that she thought the game would be too difficult for our son to play by himself, so at first she wanted to help him by playing through the first part of the game for him. Before she realized it though, she found that she wanted to play through to the end herself. I think that maybe the setting of the game somehow appeals to the kind of people who wouldn’t normally be interested in this type of game.
Even my son, who at the time was too scared of the Imp Poes to play the game has recently played through the Wii version. I didn’t have to encourage him to either, he said that he just thought that maybe now he’d be able to play though to the end. I think that maybe this game has something to it that means you can play it even now without the game feeling too dated. And I think that is even more true with this HD version where you can experience the setting much more vividly. I hope that both people who played the original and those who didn’t will be able to really enjoy delving into the game’s world in this new version. (I’m quite sad that I wasn’t able to tell my son that if he waited a little bit longer then he’d be able to play an HD version, haha).
Zelda: Twilight Princess retrospective – episode 3: “Gameplay & Dungeons”
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 8 Comments
Nintendo has continued its new retrospective video series for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. Check out the third episode below, which has a few staff members reflecting on the gameplay and dungeons.
Zelda: Twilight Princess HD reviews roundup
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 44 Comments
Reviews for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD are starting to go live across the Internet with today’s embargo lifting. You can find a roundup of the early verdicts below.
Nintendo Everything – “Thumbs Up”
IGN – 8.6 / 10
GameSpot – 9 / 10
Nintendo Life – 9 / 10
Polygon – 8 / 10
GamesBeat – 90 / 100
GameReactor – 9 / 10
GameXplain – “Meh”
GamesRadar – 4 / 5
Destructoid – 8 / 10
Shacknews – 7 / 10
Nintendo World Report – 9 / 10
Zelda: Twilight Princess HD tweet (2/28/16)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 3 Comments
We have another new tweet from the Japanese Zelda Twitter account about Twilight Princess HD. Today, “Malo” goes over the changes to chests in the new version – how Rupees aren’t put back into chests even if your wallet is full.
Here’s our translation:
“…It’s Malo. According to pops with the beard (note: likely referring to Aonuma), the Rupees taken won’t be returned to treasure chests even if your wallet is full. …with this, you should be able to more easily understand how far you have progressed… but where did the excess Rupees go? …You shouldn’t think too hard about it.”
Zelda: Twilight Princess HD pre-orders on Amazon Japan come with post card set
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 9 Comments
Amazon Japan has revealed a twenty poster card set as its pre-order bonus for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. You can see the various designs above.
In North America, there’s only pre-order bonus available at GameStop. Consumers will receive the Zelda: Twilight Princess HD Sound Selection CD.