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SD Gundam G Generation Genesis is coming to the Japanese Switch market on April 26th. It will have all the downloadable content that was available on the Vita and PS4 versions. As an added bonus, those who get the game early will receive the Super Nintendo game, Super Gachapon World: SD Gundam X, as a download.


Version 5.0.6 of Pokemon Duel should be coming later today, here is what you can expect to change as listed by Serebii:

– Drapion
Movement increased from 1 to 2

Added new ability: Shed Skin
Increased power of Poison Fang from 40 to 50

– Seviper
Added new ability: Rapid Approach
Increased wheel size of Toxic Fluid & Poison Tail
Decreated wheel size of Wrap


The newest Tempest Trial Mini is now live for Fire Emblem Heroes players, this one takes advantage of the New Year’s characters. It will be available til January 23rd and the prize character this time around is the New Year’s Corrin.

A new stage featuring Mareanie is now available in Pokemon Shuffle and will be available until January 30th. A competitive Mega Salamance and Electrode are also available until January 23rd. Lastly Xurkitree, Palossand, Lycanroc & Thundurus Therian Forme have all started their repeat runs.


Marvelous has just announced a new DLC character, Murasaki, for Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura available for download on the Japanese eShop on January 18th.


CyberStep is bringing three games to the Switch’s Japanese market. Onigiri, GetAmped Mobile, and Akatsuki no Eiyuu: Breakers.

Onigiri is MMO action RPG, GetAmped Mobile is, as the name implies, a mobile game that deals with competitive action and finally Akatsuki no Eiyuu: Breakers is a brand new title. They will all be released sometime later in the year.



Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp will be receiving another update, here are the features and enhancements you can expect to come when the update launches:

– Ability to customize terrain in select areas at your campsite
– You will be able to place more than a single rug
– Customize the look of your animal friends, but not all clothing options are available to all animals
– It will be easier to request help for Shovelstrike Quarry
– Easier usage of the Market Box
– Gardening feature will receive various changes
– New fish and bugs will be added

It is not clear when this next update will be happening in the future, but it can’t be too far away.


The newest banner for Fire Emblem Heroes is now available and will last til January 25th. You can obtain Zelgius, Sothe and Micaiah.

There is also an update adding maps to the arena involving trenches and increasing the hero merit limit.

ARMS version 5.0.1 up now

Posted on 7 years ago by in News, Switch | 10 Comments

Update: Full patch notes added below.

Original:The newest ARMS update dishes out some new balance changes to the game. Nothing too major.


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