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A new Sync Pair is now available in Pokemon Masters. Players can Sync Pair Scout: 5★ Fantina & Mismagius, a powerful ghost-type duo. This pair will be on spotlight until April 2nd. Take a look at their sync move below:

We now the first trailer, information, and screenshots for Shoujo Jigoku no Doku Musume, Nippon Ichi Software’s newly announced action RPG arriving on Switch where there is a hell for every girl. Check out the details, trailer, and screenshot gallery after the break.

While players enjoy their second day of free summon vouchers from the 1.5 Year Anniversary login event, a new bit of information has just been revealed. An interlude will be added to main campaign chapter 12: Destruction and Domination on Mar. 22, 11 PM PT. Players have a bit of time to catch up before the story continues onward.

Version-exclusive Pokemon are the focal point for the latest rotation in the Wild Area. Players can also reap rewards such as fossils and apples to evolve Applin. This event runs until March 25th at 23:59 UTC, and a full break down of the raids currently available as well as their drop rates can be found  here via Serebii.

Players in Japan can look forward to receiving a code for Dynamax Crystals to unlock Max Raid Battles for Stonjourner and Eiscue from March 27th. If this happens for other regions, we will make sure to update.

The 1.5-year anniversary countdown bonus started Mar. 17, 11 PM PT. The event will run until March 27th — during the duration, players can claim a free summon voucher as a login bonus, with a maximum of seven vouchers able to be claimed. Make sure to claim the login gifts, as login bonuses are only able to be accepted for a limited time.

Check out the latest events to come to Fire Emblem Heroes below:

  • Sharena added more Hero intros to Meet Some of the Heroes! This time, Idunn: Dragonkin Duo, Est: Springtime Flier, Fir: Student of Spring, Narcian: Vernal General, and Bartre: Earsome Warrior have been added.
  • A new Tempest Trials+ event, Full-Bloom Bout, will begin Mar. 20, 12 AM PT. Clear event maps to earn rewards such as 5★ Special Hero Bartre: Earsome Warrior and two Sacred Seals: Def Feint 1 and Death Blow 1! You can also earn Divine Codes (Ephemera 3)!
  • Check out the bonus allies for the Tempest Trials+: Full-Bloom Bout event! Bonus allies get increased HP and stats and earn double experience and SP in battle—and they grant you a score bonus! It’s the perfect time to build up these characters!
  • Summoning Focus: Tempest Trials+ is here! Idunn: Dark Priestess, Fae: Divine Dragon, and Bartre: Fearless Warrior are featured as part of a 5★ summoning focus. Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!

Square Enix has released a ton of information and swath of fresh screenshots for Trials of Mana detailing the game’s post-ending new episode, Class 04, and the involvement of the series’ recurring character Li’l Cactus. You can see the details below if you don’t mind spoilers:

The first major update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Version 1.1.0, will be released shortly before launch. You can download the update if you have the game pre-purchased and pre-loaded on your Switch. This update is expected to introduce the Bunny Day holiday event and enables online play.

Developer miHoyo has posted new details about for Liyue Harbor character Xiangling. Check out the introduction below:

Xiangling (voiced by Ari Ozawa)

“Sit anywhere you like. I can make whatever you want, even if it’s not on the menu!”

The Head Chef at the Wanmin Restaurant and also a waitress there, Xiangling is extremely passionate about cooking and excels at her signature hot and spicy dishes.

Though still young, Xiangling is a true master of the culinary arts with all the skills of a kitchen veteran. She enjoys a good reputation among the hearty eaters at Chihu Rock.

There’s absolutely no need to be nervous if she wants you to sample her latest creation. It will not disappoint. Promise.

Liyue is home to two rival culinary traditions, conveniently named the “Li” and “Yue” styles. Foodies in Liyue are staunch supporters of one style or the other, and have long been embroiled in a bitter battle to prove the superiority of their style.

In this war waged by culinary snobs, ostentation is everything, flavor gets forgotten, and nothing is a simple matter of taste. Much to the consternation of Liyue’s chefs, the Li vs. Yue debate eats up all of the region’s rare cooking ingredients in the pursuit of ever-more-pretentious dishes.

Born into a restaurateur family, Xiangling inherited her fair share of this consternation. But she also chose to inherit the Wanmin Restaurant and become one of the few to push back against the status quo.

“Good food is good food, period!” Xiangling’s mantra is an antidote to snobbery as she sets about creating her imaginative and unconventional dishes.

From a pinch of Mist Flower and a drop of Slime Condensate to a handful of unidentified flying insects and even hilichurls’ wooden clubs, Xiangling is known to be somewhat adventurous with her choice of cooking ingredients.

Naturally, her unique approach leads to the occasional disastrous dish. But Xiangling never gives up, because of what her father has always said to her: “There are many secrets to cooking; the most important of which is passion.”


New events are now live in Pokemon Masters, allowing players to take a chance on Scouting the Sync Pair of Sabrina & Alakazam. Additionally, players can take advantage of the Ghost Type training event to level their Pokemon quickly. Take a look below at the scout page for Sabrina:

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