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Earlier this week, it was announced that SkyScrappers is coming to Switch at the end of the month. Get a look at some footage below.

Sengoku Cannon

Earlier today, Zerodiv brought its latest classic release Sengoku Cannon to the Japanese Switch eShop. Have a look at some footage below.

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Who’s the most popular character in Xenoblade Chronicles 2? In an interview with USgamer, Monolith Soft’s Tetsuya Takahashi shared some insight. In Japan, that would be Pyra. However, Takahashi isn’t sure about the west.

In the same interview, Takahashi spoke about the Core Crystals and Blade system in the game. The team believed having different outcomes each time would encourage people to share what they obtained on social media.

During PAX West, it was revealed that SNK 40th Anniversary Collection will be offering more games for free after launch. Publisher NIS America shared more details about those plans today.

Ten more titles will be available starting December 11 as free DLC. The first half of confirmed games is as follows:

Panic Button has been one of the most prolific studios when it comes to Switch ports. The company worked with Bethesda to bring over Doom and Wolfenstein II, with Doom Eternal to follow later. Panic Button also worked on Rocket League for Switch as well as the upcoming version of Warframe.

GamesIndustry published a new piece today with Panic Button GM Adam Creighton. One of the topics discussed was supporting Switch, of which Creighton had this to say:

New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe

Today, Nintendo announced its lineup and plans for the MCM Comic Con taking place in Birmingham. Along with several playable Switch titles, some extensive Splatoon 2 activities are in the pipeline.

Those who attend will be able to get their hands on the following games:


JanduSoft published a new animated trailer for Super Hyperactive Ninja today ahead of its October 25 launch on Switch. Watch it below.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission

Earlier today, news of Bandai Namco bringing Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission leaked out of V-Jump. Check out the first scan from the magazine above.


Thanks to a listing on the Japanese eShop, we now have a release date for Magic Scroll Tactics. Mediascape will publish the title on October 25.

We have the following overview courtesy of Steam, along with a trailer:

Croixleur Sigma

Playism will soon be publishing Croixleur Sigma on Switch, a listing on the Japanese eShop reveals. The game is currently scheduled for November 1 at a price point of 1,400 yen.

Here’s an overview from Steam, along with a trailer:

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