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I Am Setsuna received the Temporal Battle Arena today as free DLC. Check out some footage of the update below.

Over on Reddit, developers from Vertex Pop have been conducting an AMA about its recently-released Switch game Graceful Explosion Machine. Initial sales, potential plans for more content in the future, how the team implemented HD Rumble, and more were all discussed.

Notable responses from the AMA about these topics and more are below. You can catch up on the full AMA here.

Mr. Shifty can now be download on Switch as an eShop download. For a look at the game’s launch trailer, view the following video:

News about a new Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Switch bundle emerged yesterday. Listings were found on Nintendo’s store, revealing that the package will be offered alongside the game later this month.

Nintendo has since followed up with GameSpot. According to a representative, “The bundle is exclusive to Russia and there are no plans to bring it to other countries at this time”.

A Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Switch bundle for other regions may happen at some point. For now though, the only way to obtain this package is by being located in Russia.


The Jackbox Party Pack 3 is out now on the Switch via the eShop. View the game’s official launch trailer below.

It took Booty Diver longer than expected to hit Wii U. But next week, the game will finally be ready to release on the eShop.

Xavier Orion Games confirmed an April 20 release date via Twitter:

Best Buy is taking pre-orders for the Fire Emblem Echoes Limited Edition once again. Place an order here. Amazon and GameStop sold out of pre-orders, so opportunities are running out to nab the special version of the game.

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia was reviewed in this week’s Famitsu. Among four editors, the game earned scores of “9”, “9”, “10”, and “9”. The total was 37 out of 40, the highest review for a Fire Emblem entry in Famitsu.

Kantopia has taken the time to translate the new Fire Emblem Echoes review in full. Here’s a look as to how the different editors felt about the game:

Nintendo highlighted Hamster’s Arcade Archives series during the latest Nintendo Direct. King of Fighters ’99, Galaxy Fight, and Shock Troopers 2nd Squad were among the confirmed games.

However, two were left out from the Japanese presentation. Last Resort and the first Sengoku should be heading to Switch at some point. It’s unclear why the overseas Nintendo Direct lacked these games, but it’s probably not something we should be too worried about.

Source, Via

During yesterday’s Nintendo Direct, Level-5 shared some news about Lady Layton.

To begin, the game is now known as Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaire’s Conspiracy. The official logo is above.

Other than that, Level-5 updated the game’s website. Access it here.

Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaire’s Conspiracy launches on July 20 in Japan.

Thanks to Kyrio for the tip.

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