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The Shadow Mewtwo amiibo card is being offered as a first-print bonus with Pokken Tournament. That’s not the only amiibo that works with the game, however.

On Nintendo’s official website, it’s confirmed that all amiibo accessories can be used in Pokken Tournament. These can be used to unlock in-game items. The listing doesn’t elaborate any further, so we’ll need to wait a bit longer for extra details.


Our latest look at Fire Emblem Fates in English shows off the Hoshido storyline. Take a look at an hour of footage below.

Update 3: Bumped to the top again. Appears to be back at Amazon.

Update 2: Bumped to the top. Now in stock at GameStop.

Update: Now gone. That actually lasted longer than I thought it would!

Devil’s Third is a game that’s been pretty tough to find at retail for awhile now. If you’re looking to obtain a copy though, Amazon currently has the game available. It’s back-ordered, but stock should be arriving on February 14. We’ll see how long this lasts!

XSEED just announced this week that Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale is heading to North America on March 1. In Europe, the game is slated for February 18, according to an eShop listing. It will only be sold digitally in PAL territories, unlike in North America where a physical version will also be offered.


IGN has more English gameplay of Hyrule Warriors Legends up on its YouTube page. Get a look at the latest video below.

Aside from the new level which adds the Professor E. Gadd costume, Super Mario Maker recently added a few other ones in the Event Course section. Players can try out four courses made for Tokaigi 2016, a Japanese gaming event. They’re pretty tough, so you may have difficulty completing them all!


A pair of videos have surfaced showing the arcade game Mario Party: Mysterious Challenge World. Both are attached below.

Rare continues its behind-the-scenes videos of its various games with another one focusing on Battletoads. Below, you can listen to bonus insider facts straight from the studio.

A whole bunch of footage has come in of the Bravely Second demo. Three videos are below, and even more can be found here.

Word Puzzles by POWGI hit the European eShops last week. In North America, the game will be available on Wii U and 3DS this coming week: February 11. It’s cross-buy, so if you purchase one version, you’re entitled to the other one for free.

Source: Lightwood Games PR

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