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EnjoyUp Games has confirmed Abyss’ Wii U release for May 1. In North America, the game will be available for just $1.99.

You can check out an overview for Abyss below.

Apexicon has reached its funding goal on Kickstarter. Since the game’s campaign launched, Actos Games has raised over $5,000.

Just a couple of days remain in Apexicon’s Kickstarter. You can donate to the project here.

Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

For the first time in the Smash series, Beam Swords will feature graduated colors. The attack item on the left is the Fire Bar. This is a peculiar weapon that becomes shorter after each swing.

We’ve brought in three more developers for the next entry in our new feature series, “Developer Musings”. This week, we have a few words from Ripstone (Knytt Undergroud, Pure Chess), Image & Form (Steamworld series), and Two Tribes (Toki Tori 2, EDGE) as they share some thoughts about the eShops. Head past the break for their comments.

Unsure as to what Developer Musings is about? Check out our first entry here for an explanation.

Nintendo Everything recently caught up with Ronimo’s Jasper Koning via email. Of course, we asked several questions about the studio’s recently-announced Wii U exclusive Swords & Soldiers II. Koning also commented on whether Ronimo considered going the Kickstarter route with its game, the possibility of Awesomenauts on Wii U, future support for the system, and more.

You can find our full interview with Ronimo after the break!

Hover: Revolt of Gamers’ Kickstarter is now live. You can access it here.

To receive full funding, Hover’s Kickstarter will need to raise $38,000. A Wii U stretch goal – asymmetric gameplay and all – lies ahead at $100,000.

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