Software sales in Japan saw another dip during Christmas
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
During Christmas week, 1,517,000 games were sold in Japan. Media Create says that number is 79.45 percent compared to sales during Christmas week in 2013. Sales are also down compared to 2012 (1,701,000 units) and 2011 (1,621,000 units).
Gaming sales during the year-end season weren’t entirely underwhelming. All three versions of Youkai Watch 2 were top performers having sold a combined total of 5.079 million units. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate has sold 2.34 million copies and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS has sold 2 million.
More: Japan, Media Create, sales
Photos of the Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS Club Nintendo soundtrack
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images, Wii U | 0 comments
Another round of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D character art
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 8 Comments
Funassyi the Funabashi mascot will get two 3DS games
Posted on 10 years ago by Kirara Koneko(@KiraraKoneko) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
Funabashi, Chiba mascot character Funassyi the pear is getting two 3DS games this year, according to this week’s issue of Famitsu.
Funassyi will be appearing in Nashi-jiru Busha! Fannassyi vs. Dragons, which is a Puzzle and Dragons type RPG where Funassyi must battle to save the fruit population from extinction. The game is being developed by Rocket Company and will release on March 26
The second game Nashi-jiru Action! Funnassyi no Yukai-na Ohanassyi is a side-scrolling action game set in a familiar fairy-tale style world. The game is being developed by Success and will release on April 30.
Famitsu review scores (1/13/15) – Kirby, The Legend of Legacy
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 6 Comments
This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:
Tales of Zestiria (PS3) – 10/9/9/8
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (Wii U) – 8/8/9/9
The Legend of Legacy (3DS) – 9/8/9/8
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (PS4/PS3/Wii U) – 8/8/9/8
Atelier Escha & Logy Plus (PSV) – 8/8/9/8
Kaleido-eve (PSV/PSP) – 9/8/7/7
Root Rex (PSV) – 8/8/7/6
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (3DS) – 7/7/7/7
More: Famitsu, Famitsu scores
Lost Heroes 2 boxart
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 0 comments
More: Bandai Namco, boxart, Japan, Lost Heroes 2
Nintendo Direct announced for Wednesday, focusing on spring 2015 Wii U/3DS games
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 109 Comments
It’s just been announced that a new Nintendo Direct presentation will air this coming Wednesday. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata will host the presentation, which will focus on games coming to the Wii U and 3DS this spring.
Fans can watch the broadcast at 9 AM ET / 6 PM PT. We’ll have a stream and potentially a live blog as the event proceeds.
Watch a new #NintendoDirectNA on 1/14 at 6 a.m PT w/ Mr. Iwata & crew, with a focus on spring '15 #3DS & #WiiU games.
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) January 13, 2015
More: Nintendo Direct, top
Assassination Classroom: Grand Siege on Kurosensei commercial
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Kuroko’s Basketball: Ties to the Future commercials
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Capcom shares more on Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate’s localization
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Capcom went live with another localization blog about Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate today. You can access it here.
One of the more interesting topics concerns the screenshot above. Regarding the image, Capcom said the following:
If you can’t read Japanese, this message translates to “Do you want to hear that again?”, and automatically appears after every tutorial message. The cursor also defaults to Yes, so if you’re mashing buttons to get through the tutorial, you can accidentally select Yes and you’re sent through the entire thing again.
This was one of the first issues I brought to the Monster Hunter team, because I felt Western gamers wouldn’t respond well to it. After the director, Fujioka-san, explained their reasoning, I understood why they had made this decision. During the development of Monster Hunter 4, the team was directed to aim for a younger audience because the Nintendo 3DS’ market is younger than other platforms. To make sure the younger kids knew what do to, they added that question at the end of each tutorial just to be safe.
Overseas, the audience for Monster Hunter is older and more experienced with games, so they typically don’t need to read things twice to get the gist. With that in mind, we asked the team if we could remove that from our version of the game and they agreed. Woohoo! Victory #1! We also were able to naturally cut down on the tutorial length through shorter, but still entertaining dialogue – and no, we didn’t cut out anything from the tutorials – which means you can get back to the action a lot faster.
This is just one of the many subtle ways that we tweaked Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate for its Western release to make it more enjoyable to play.