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Capcom has released a new update for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate in Japan. Version 1.2 mainly tackles issues with illegal guild quests.

Players can still play locally or offline without the latest update. However, DLC and Internet play will force the patch.


Another round of Etrian Odyssey and Mystery Dungeon details have popped up from this week’s Famitsu. View the information below.

– Has classes from all of the mainline series games
– These include medic, protector, hexer from the first game, gunner from the second game, ninja, prince/princess from the third game, and landsknecht, dancer, runemaster from the fourth
– Each class receives a male and female representative
– 4 different alternative colors for each
– Some alternate colors are brand new, while others are references to other Etrian classes and even other Atlus characters
– Jack Frost gunner receives a Moh Shuvuu alt
– Status screen is like the one from main Etrian Odyssey Games
– Can have five core stats, an attack and defense indicator, and four slots for armor
– Skill progression appears to be identical to the type in Etrian Odyssey IV
– There are tiers of skills that can unlock after reaching a level threshold
– Characters visibly change depending on the weapon they’re holding
– A carnival ringleader-themed dark hunter named Risley will offer items within the dungeons


A new wave of 3DS themes are now available in North America. Themes based on Pikmin, Sonic, and Shovel Knight can be purchased.

Here’s the full lineup:

Pikmin: Working Together
Pikmin: A Hungry Bulborb
Sonic the Hedgehog Theme
Amy Rose Theme
Shadow the Hedgehog Theme
Chao Theme
Sonic Bundle
Spotlight: Shovel Knight

All of the items above are priced at $1.99, except for the Sonic Bundle. That can be purchased for $5.99.



The latest issue of Jump introduces two new villain characters for Bravely Second. Here’s an overview of Emperor Oblivion and Anne, as translated by Gematsu:

Emperor Oblivion – The unidentified masked man who spread ravages of war throughout the world with his powerful military force. He attacks the Orthodoxy and Principality Peace Signing Ceremony and kidnaps Agnes.

Anne – A mysterious fairy wearing jet black clothing who accompanies Oblivion. She has a relentless side that can sometimes peek out of her.

Bravely Second producer Tomoya Asano also told Jump that a demo for the game will be released soon.

Source, Via

A livestream for the upcoming RPG, Legend of Legacy will be broadcast later today on NicoNico.

The stream will require a premium account to view and will be part of the Denki Getcha show.

The livestream will be begin at 9:45 (JST)

Check out the list of additional timezones below:

Europe: 1.45PM

UK: 12.45PM

NA (East): 7.45AM

NA (West): 4.45AM

Source, Via

A patch for Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire was released earlier this week. Nintendo has now confirmed a second update for the two games, which is due out early next month.

Version 1.2 of Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire addresses a specific issue towards the end of the game. Some players have encountered a problem where the game stops during the ending movie. Once the new update is released, this should no longer be an issue.


Square Enix recently let loose new details about a pair of Summoned Beasts in Final Fantasy Explorers, Alexander and Diablos. You can find information pertaining to each below.


– Alexander is the biggest of the Summoned Beasts
– Has a variety of attack patterns
– Includes magic, trembling attacks, missiles, stomping attacks
– Also uses the “Holy Judgment” attack
– Uses its body for close-ranged attacks
– Also has its own repertoire of ranged attacks such as laser beams and missiles


– Located in a dusky cave
– Surrounded by an ominous atmosphere
– Uses gravity-based attacks
– Can swoop around and hit you with its wings while spinning around
– Its large wings can also act as a shield to protect itself from various attacks
– Gravity moves can suck players into fixed spots
– Diablos can also darken parts of the area


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