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Endless Memories

Following a successful Kickstarter campaign, Endless Memories will be making its way to Switch. Homunculus Games was able to raise $12,000 for its action-adventure project on Kickstarter, and there’s about a week left remaining in the campaign.

Here’s some information about Endless Memories as well as a trailer:

Barbarous: Tavern of Emyr will release on Switch next month, publisher QubicGames and developer SQRT3 have announced. The simulation game, which has players making treats and delivering them to customers, is planned for December 25.

We have the following overview and trailer for Barbarous: Tavern of Emyr:

Mako Mankanshoku is joining Kill la Kill: IF as a new playable character, Arc System Works has announced. The character will be available via a free update soon on Switch.

Here’s a brief overview of Mako:

Blaster Master Zero 2 has received a brand new DLC character in the form of Copen. Take a look at some footage showing him off in action below.

Ring Fit Adventure

Ring Fit Adventure has proven to be a bit of a phenomenon, especially in Japan. The game has been consistently selling in the 5-digit figures every week since its release with barely a drop-off, which is impressive since typically most games send to sell the most on release date, then drop off fairly quickly. Sales for Ring Fit Adventure could have been even higher though, as there have been multiple reports of stock shortages in many stores in Japan. Today, Nintendo has acknowledged and apologized for these stock shortages. The company promises to ship more copies each week, and will increase shipment numbers towards the end of the year.


The latest character trailer for Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers is here, and it’s all about Ann, code name Panther:

Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers will be released in Japan on February 20, 2020.

As of now, the Voting Gauntlet: Battle of Brawn event is live. Players can battles to increase their army’s score and complete quests to earn in-game rewards such as Orbs, Sacred Coins, and Refining Stones.
There will also new weapons and skills available to be refined soon, Nightly Lance (Mathilda: Legendary Knight), Arthur’s Axe (Arthur: Hapless Hero), Lordly Lance (Clive: Idealistic Knight), and Resolute Blade (Mia: Lady of Blades.)

Another piece of good news is that anyone that joined the Google Play Points program in the US can now exchange points for Orbs in Fire Emblem Heroes. Points earned in other games can be exchanged for Orbs as well. For more info, check out the Google Play Points program through the Google Play Store.

The Mega Man: Chaos Protocol has arrived in Dragalia Lost. Players can increase their friendship with Mega Man, a 5★ adventurer who appears in the event, to permanently add him to their team. You can check out the official website for more detailed event information here.

Dragon Marked for Death

Inti Creates has released a huge update for Dragon Marked for Death. The action RPG’s version 2.2.0 features an increased level cap, new Dragon contracts, new mini-map features, raised quest difficulty from level 70~90 for a number of quests, Floors B90~B100 added to the “Cavern of Torment”, bug fixes, and more.

Here are the full patch notes, along with a trailer:


During a live stream earlier today, Team17 showed off the new Thanksgiving update for Automachef. We have the full recording below.

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