Rumor: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp started off as a more simplistic town-building game
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, Rumors | 14 Comments
At the end of October, The Wall Street Journal shared some rumored information claiming that one reason for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp’s delay was due to the game seeing an overhaul “at least once during the development process to ensure quality.” Liam Robertson from Unseen64 apparently has more on the situation, and dug up details about how a much different title was initially planned.
Development on the Animal Crossing game for mobile apparently began in early 2016. At the time, what Nintendo had been cooking up was said to be more simplistic.
More: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, top
Rumor: Internal EA emails mention January Nintendo Direct, February 2018 release for Fe
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors, Switch eShop | 38 Comments
Reddit user OldSoul2 shared something rather interesting today. Over the past three months, he claims to have been receiving internal company emails from EA about two upcoming titles. One of these if Fe, which is slated for Switch.
Some of the information OldSoul2 has received in emails, which look admittedly convincing, is especially noteworthy. The Fe section mentions a Nintendo Direct for January, which will tie in with a Switch trailer and previews. Also, Fe is apparently planned for a February 2018 launch.
Rumor: Nintendo partnering with Kellogg’s on Super Mario Cereal, works as an amiibo
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors | 49 Comments
Update: Reader mariobitsize passed along messages received from Kellog’s earlier today, which we’ve added in below. Apparently this cereal “is hitting store shelves now” and “a limited number” will have the amiibo sticker. Either this is an elaborate fake, or it’s indeed happening. We’ll keep an eye on the situation.
Original: New Super Mario Cereal could be coming up in the future from Kellogg’s. Cerealously claims to have obtained a box image of the product. The cereal itself will apparently feature oat pieces with colored marshmallow shapes, including Super Mushrooms, 1-Up Mushrooms, and ? Boxes.
What might be even more noteworthy here is that the cereal itself can apparently be used as an amiibo. The box teases functionality with Super Mario Odyssey.
Cerealously does believe that the cereal is legitimate, but there’s also the possibility that it could be just a prototype. If it is the real deal, this would definitely be interesting.
Kellogg’s message
We cerealously appreciate your continued interest in seeing a Nintendo cereal, Chris! We hope you’ll keep an eye out for the new Super Mario Cereal that is hitting store shelves now. This star-shaped cereal features Super Mario-inspired marshmallows, and a limited number of packages will have an amiibo powerup sticker that can be used on the Super Mario Odyssey game with the Nintendo Switch gaming console.
… The product’s name is simply “Super Mario Cereal,” and as it’s just coming to stores now, it may take some time to arrive in your area. It can be helpful to check in with managers at your local stores for availability information – or to see if they can order it in for you…
More: Amiibo, Super Mario, Super Mario Odyssey, top
Rumor: Switch getting two Ace Attorney compilations, along with brand new entry
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Switch | 67 Comments
Last week, Capcom confirmed that Ace Attorney is heading to Switch in some fashion. Kotaku UK shares more on the company’s apparent plans.
If the site is to be believed, two compilations will be launched in the first half of the 2018 / 2019 financial year, which falls between April and October 2018. The initial release will be a bundle of the first three Ace Attorney entries. The other, naturally, is a bundle of games four through six.
Kotaku UK adds that Capcom is also working on a brand new, mainline Ace Attorney title for Switch. It’s supposedly scheduled for a late 2018 simultaneous global release. The site goes on to say that it will have “five cases at launch, and features Phoenix Wright returning as the playable protagonist of the story.”
More: Ace Attorney, Capcom, top
Rumor: Zelda: Breath of the Wild getting Explorer’s bundle
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Switch | 11 Comments
Link’s Hideaway claims to have obtained information about a new bundle for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. A supplier listing indicates that the game will be getting an “Explorer’s” bundle on November 23. The UPC and manufacturer part number are different from the original launch version, further suggesting that this is an entirely new package.
As for what’s in the bundle, it’ll come with the game, a two-sided map, and Explorer’s Guide with lore and learnings. The listing does not make mention of any DLC.
If the listing is accurate, this new bundle will cost $59.99.
Rumor: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp took so long since it was redone from scratch, took time to prepare events
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, Rumors | 5 Comments
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp wasn’t originally supposed to take this long. Originally, Nintendo first spoke about the game in 2016. So why are we only seeing it now?
The Wall Street Journal reports that Pocket Camp was redone “at least once during the development process to ensure quality.” That’s according to the publication’s sources involved with the game’s creation.
The Wall Street Journal further notes that Nintendo “also had to prepare a full slate of limited-time events happening within the app to keep players coming back frequently”. It took some time for Fire Emblem Heroes to really get started on that front, which caused some people to lose interest. For Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, it sounds like Nintendo wanted to keep players busy from the get-go.
More: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, top
Rumor: New returning stage shown running in Splatoon 2
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Switch | 7 Comments
Nintendo is still adding new content to Splatoon 2. Every week, we’ve seen new weapons and stages added to the game. When it comes to multiplayer maps, Nintendo has coming up with brand new areas plus stages returning from the original game.
One player claims to have found one such returning level. If you’re interested in learning more about the situation, continue on below.
More: Splatoon 2, top
Rumor: Nintendo customer support rep says Super Mario Odyssey’s highest resolution is 1080p in TV mode
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Switch | 25 Comments
When Digital Foundry last analyzed Super Mario Odyssey, the outlet found that the game runs at 900p when Switch is docked. New information coming from a Nintendo customer support representative may indicate that it could go even higher. “On handheld mode, the highest resolution will be 720p, while in TV mode, the highest resolution will be 1080p,” the rep told one fan.
Before anyone jumps the gun, comments from these sorts of reps should never be considered the final word. Even if we don’t hear about Super Mario Odyssey’s resolution from Nintendo officially, we should have a pretty good idea by this time next week.
More: Super Mario Odyssey
Rumor: Switch will allow for video capture longer than 30 seconds in the future
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Switch | 11 Comments
With yesterday’s Switch firmware update, Nintendo finally introduced the ability to capture video. There are a couple of caveats, however. You can only use the feature with a few select Nintendo games, and you’re limited to just 30 seconds of gameplay.
Kotaku UK spoke with two sources who say that Nintendo has more in mind for video recording on Switch. The company’s first goal is to have all first-party games supporting the functionality, as well as titles tied to Nintendo properties. In other words, titles like Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and Fire Emblem Warriors are the priority at the moment.
More: system update, top
Rumor: Warner Bros. done with LEGO Dimensions, scrapped plans detailed
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 32 Comments
Warner Bros. may never say it officially, but LEGO Dimensions looks to be done. What’s naturally apparent with the title as well as what developer TT Games recently said internally suggests that it will not be receiving any new content. In other words, plans for LEGO Dimensions’ third year have been scrapped.
We all know about the fate of other games like Disney Infinity and Skylanders. Eurogamer points out various issues such as how there was little room for profit, a slowdown of sales, and the huge workload required from TT Games.