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Decay of Logos

Rising Star Games has shared the third developer diary for Decay of Logos. In the video below, developer Iuri Monteiro explains how the characters are animated and prepped for combat.

Atari Flashback Classics

Atari Flashback Classics is out now on Switch both physically and digitally. We’ve attached the official launch trailer below.

When Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was initially announced, some wondered how closely the game was tied to last-gen’s Wii U iteration. But now that the game has finally launched, it’s clear just how different this new entry is. Digital Foundry has taken a closer look at Ultimate from a technical perspective that shows a substantial upgrade.

The first aspect to consider is lighting, which has been improved in Ultimate. Some parts were left untouched, but textures for building sides were redone. Bridge of Eldin is one stage that shows just how much has been added and changed. Clothing has been revamped as well. One apparent downgrade is Donkey Kong, who has lost his fur shell from the Wii U version. Also, shadow resolution has been reduced.

The first-person puzzler MIND: Path to Thalamus ended up on the Switch eShop yesterday. Have a look at some footage below.

Various outlets have come forward with brand new footage from Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes. We’ve rounded up a few videos below.

Jeanne was added to SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy earlier today as a brand new DLC character. Check out some footage of her in action below.

Mages of Mystralia

As we mentioned a few days ago, Mages of Mystralia is scheduled for January 29 on Switch. Gave a look at the new launch trailer below.

Rain World

Though there wasn’t a prior announcement, Rain World ended up hitting the Switch eShop today. We now have a Switch-specific launch trailer below.

Hunter's Legacy: Purrfect Edition

Hunter’s Legacy: Purrfect Edition is out now on the Switch eShop. Have a look at the game’s official launch trailer below.

SEGA uploaded a new piece of music from Team Sonic Racing. Today’s track is “Sand Road”, which features Jun Senoue, Tee Lopes, and Takeshi Taneda. Listen to the music below.

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