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Castle of Heart

7Levels has shared a new video from its upcoming Switch exclusive Castle of Heart from the Dark Forest. View it below.

The action-platformer Castle of Heart arrives for Switch on March 23.

Midnight Deluxe will be added to the Switch eShop this coming Thursday in North America and Europe. Have a look at some footage below.

Nintendo Switch

As a way of celebrating Switch’s first anniversary, Nintendo Australia put together a short video highlighting fan tweets and hands-on events. We have it below.


Without any prior announcement, Red Barrel Games brought Outlast to the Switch eShop this week. Get a look at the new launch trailer below.

Atlus began offering a demo for The Alliance Alive in North America and Europe this week. Take a look at some footage below.

A ton of gameplay has surfaced showing Attack on Titan 2 running on Switch. Have a look at 30 minutes of footage below.

World Conqueror X

World Conqueror X is set to debut on the Switch eShop this coming week. For a look at the game in action, view the video below.

Bromio has published a new trailer for Pato Box, which we have below. We’ve also attached another video showing how Pato Box has come along during development. This time, we have a look at at comparison of Kilpatrick’s prototype fight vs. what it is now.

To celebrate Switch’s first anniversary, Nintendo has published a new video interview with Shinya Takahashi. Takahashi weighs in on the system’s first year, his favorite kart in Mario Kart, and more. Watch the full interview below.

Sometimes after a new update is released, we find out about something not included in the official patch notes. That’s the case with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 version 1.3.0.

After applying the update, fans have noticed that a couple of extra title screens have been added for New Game+. You can see them below. If you’re playing the game (or intend to later), we’d advise completing the story before viewing the video.

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