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Restless Soul trailer

Graffiti Games and Fuz Games have put out a launch trailer for Restless Soul. Earlier this week, the adventure title appeared on Switch.

Learn more about Restless Soul in the overview below:

ANNO: Mutationem gameplay

ANNO: Mutationem was one of the many games to hit Switch this week, and lots of gameplay has surfaced. We now have a half hour of footage.

If you’re interested in finding out more about ANNO: Mutationem, read the following overview:

Onsen Master trailer

Onsen Master made it to Switch this week, and those that want another look can check out the latest video. The game received a new trailer to celebrate its launch.

For more information about Onsen Master, read the following overview:

Hell Pie gameplay

Hell Pie, an obscene 3D platformer, has received new gameplay from its Switch version. The obscene 3D platformer launched this week following a previous delay.

Here’s an overview of the game:

ANNO: Mutationem trailer

Lightning Games and ThinkingStars have shared a new launch trailer for ANNO: Mutationem. Just a few days ago, the action adventure game with RPG elements released on Switch.

To recap, here’s everything you need to know about ANNO: Mutationem:

Arcade Archives Pac & Pal gameplay

Arcade Archives Pac & Pal joined the Switch eShop this week, and Hamster showed off plenty gameplay during a recent live stream. The full recording has been published with all of the footage.

Here’s some information about the classic title:

Prinny Presents NIS Classics Vol 3 gameplay

Prinny Presents NIS Classics Vol 3: La Pucelle: Ragnarok / Rhapsody, which made it to Switch this week, has received new gameplay. The footage shows off both games in the collection.

Here’s a bit of information about Prinny Presents NIS Classics Vol 3:

Restless Soul gameplay

New gameplay has come in for Restless Soul, an adventure title from Graffiti Games and Fuz Games. We have over a half hour of footage.

For more on Restless Soul, check out the following overview:

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R gameplay

Bandai Namco brought JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R to Switch this week, and we have new gameplay. 25 minutes of footage shows the title on Nintendo’s console.

We have more information about the game in the following overview:

New Tales from the Borderlands characters

At PAX West 2022 today, 2K and Gearbox debuted a new trailer for New Tales from the Borderlands that gave us a look at some of the game’s characters. That video has now come online.

Players will control Anu, Octavio, and Fran on the worst day of their lives. Here’s a bit of information about each one:

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