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3DS eShop

This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Mario Kart 7
2. Pokemon Yellow
3. Dragon Quest VII
4. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice
5. Pokemon Red
6. Pokemon Blue
7. Super Mario Bros. 3
8. Super Mario World
9. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
10. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
11. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
12. EarhBound
13. Zelda: A Link to the Past
14. Picross 3D: Round 2
15. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
16. Monster Hunter Generations
17. Pokemon Omega Ruby
18. Super Castlevania IV
19. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
20. Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon


1. Yo-kai Watch 2 E3 2016 Trailer
2. Yo-kai Watch 2 TV Spot
3. Discover Monster Meadows in Dragon Quest VII – Episode 6
4. Disney Art Academy – Overview Trailer
5. Noitu Love: Devolution Trailer
6. Pokemon Yellow Trailer
7. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse Trailer
8. More Ultra Beasts Debut – Pokemon Sun/Moon
9. Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Trailer
10. Kirby: Planet Robobot Overview Trailer
11. Version-exclusive Pokemon – Pokemon Sun/Moon
12. Disney Magical World 2 Nintendo Direct Trailer
13. Starter Pokemon for Pokemon Sun/Moon Revealed
14. Pokemon Rumble World Trailer
15. Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire E3 2014 Trailer
16. Hyrule Warriors Legends DLC Pack 3 Trailer
17. Super Mario World Trailer
18. Pokemon Bank Trailer
19. Zelda: Breath of the Wild E3 2016 Trailer
20. Super Castlevania IV Trailer

Source: 3DS eShop


A few new titles are coming to the Japanese eShop on October 5. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital downloads:

3DS Download

Mighty Switch Force! 2 – 800 yen
Mercenaries Saga 3 – 500 yen
Train Creator 3D – 800 yen


We previously heard that Mastiff was cooking up some themes for Gurumin 3D: A Monstrous Adventure. We also heard that one would be free with purchases of the game.

Over on Twitter, Mastiff has now revealed that the bonus theme is he “Gurumin Party Time”. You can nab it for no extra cost for a “limited time” starting at launch.

A few other themes are on the way as well. You can see the rest of them here.


Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 will be available on the 3DS eShop in a couple of days. To download the game, 3,728 blocks of free space will be required. In other words, that’s 391MB.


Chequered Cow Games has finished up a new patch for its 3DS eShop game Power Disc Slam. In terms of content, 16 new mini-game levels are included, along with some lighting effects/variants.

On Twitter, Chequered Cow Games shared the following:

The new Power Disc Slam has already been submitted in North America and Europe. Assuming it goes through smoothly, it should be out soon.


This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

Quest of Dungeons – regularly: €8.99 / £7.99 / CHF12.99; cross-buy offer: users who own the Wii U (Nintendo 3DS) version can download the Nintendo 3DS (Wii U) version for free
SDK Spriter – regularly €12.50 / £10.50 / CHF13.50; discount: 20% off if you own SDK Paint (€10.00 / £8.40 / CHF10.50)
Soul Axiom – regularly €14.99 / £11.99 / CHF21.00; discount: 15% off if you own Soul Axiom Event Preview (€12.74 / £10.19 / CHF17.85 until Oct. 15, 22:59 UTC)
SteamWorld Heist – €19.99 / £14.99 / CHF18.99 (available Friday)


FAST Racing NEO: NEO Future Pack – €4.99 / £4.20 / CHF5.39 (available Friday)
SteamWorld Heist – The Outsider – €4.99 / £4.49 / CHF6.99 (available Friday)
SteamWorld Heist – Hatbox: Hatful Eight + 2 – €1.99 / £1.79 / CHF2.80 (available Saturday)
SteamWorld Heist – Hatbox: Three 4 Free – free (available Sunday)

Update: Added in Sunday’s updates.

Nintendo Badge Arcade has been receiving daily updates since heading to the 3DS eShop. Because it’s continually updated with content, we’re rounding up all of the additions and changes in a weekly post.

Here’s what’s on tap for the week of September 19:

September 19

– 2 Pikmin icon panels (1 day left)
– 2 Ashley icon panels
– 2 Pikmin panels
– 2 Mario icon panels
– 2 Zelda: Majora’s Mask panels
– 2 Animal Crossing panels
– 3 Splatoon panels
– 2 Monster Hunter panels
– 4 Mega Man panels
– 1 butterfly panel (1 day left)
– 8 Pokemon panels
– Pikmin theme offer until 9/22
– 1 free play

Gotta Protector’s localization was confirmed last February. However, it wasn’t until late July that the game made its way to North America.

Localization veteran Brian Gray was the main person behind Gotta Protector’s English version. In an interview with Michibiku, he mentioned that 8-4 helped out, but it was only him who translated the project.

According to Gray:

“8-4 had their usual — awesome! — team looking over everything and handling the bulk of communication with Ancient, but the translation was entirely me.”

In the same discussion, Gray also touched on how he became involved with Gotta Protectors and the origins of the English version. Regarding this, he said:

Earlier in the year, indie developer VaragtP put out a simulation game Plantera. Ratalaika Games is now porting it over to both Wii U and 3DS.

The company confirmed on Twitter:

The objective of Plantera is to create your own garden and grow it with new plants, bushes, trees, and animals. Helpers will eventually give you assistance as your garden grows by picking up things and harvesting your plants – even when you’re not playing. However, other critters will invade your garden and will need to be taken down.

Here’s a trailer for the game:


Several new games out came out this week on the Wii U and 3DS eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

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