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3DS eShop

Ninja Usagimaru: The Mysterious Karakuri Castle will launch in North America and Europe on September 29 as a 3DS eShop title, Aksys and FK Digital announced today. The game had been confirmed for an overseas release back during the Anime Expo in July.

Ninja Usagimaru: The Mysterious Karakuri Castle is an action-puzzler. You’ll take on the role of Usagimaru, ‘a legendary hero who embarks on a massive quest to save his village from the clutches of vile monsters.” It’s all set during a period “long forgotten by men”.

Here’s a rundown of the game’s features:

Path of the Ninja- Travel through 60+ mindboggling levels to rescue captured villagers and restore order to the land. Ready to reap the rewards of a true ninja warrior? Freeing villagers will bestow items to boost Usagimaru’s abilities!

Master Your Surroundings- Navigate tough traps, manipulate the environment and overcome brain twisting puzzles as the one and only Usagimaru!

A Hero’s Challenge- Once you’ve bested the main game, unlock even more levels to test your might! Earn and collect definitive titles based on in game performance and play style!

Source: Aksys Games PR

At PAX West last week, Atooi was on hand to show off its new 3DS game Chicken Wiggle. Get a look at some off-screen footage from and developer interview below, courtesy of AbdallahSmash026.

Futuridium EP Deluxe has been out on Wii U for a few months, but it just arrived on New 3DS yesterday. In case you’re curious, the download is 1,746 blocks. That amounts to 218.25MB.


Update: Here’s a trailer:

Another digital game has been confirmed for release next week in Europe. Lightwood Games’ Splat the Difference will be out on September 15. Pricing is set at €5.00.

Here’s a look at the eShop listing:


Super Castlevania IV arrived yesterday on the North American New 3DS Virtual Console. For the official trailer, continue on below.

GameXplain has uploaded more footage of the English version of Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 to their YouTube. You can watch the video below.

System: 3DS (eShop)
Release date: September 8, 2016
Developer: Capcom
Publisher Capcom

I won’t dance around saying that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice is kind of a mess, albeit a lovable one. If you think too hard about the overall plot, setting aside a few genuinely good and surprising twists, it’s full of laughably bad inconsistencies and weak writing choices. However, if you shut that part of your brain off – the one that checks for internal consistency – and focus on the moment-to-moment mystery plot and absurdity of what unfolds in these courtrooms, then it’s a much better experience. In other words, Spirit of Justice is yet another Ace Attorney game made in the absence of series creator Shu Takumi.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice is available on the 3DS eShop today. If you buy the game during the first week, you can receive a free character costume pack featuring Furio Tigre for Phoenix, a school uniform for Apollo, and a Trés Bien waitress costume for Athena. After September 14, the DLC will cost $0.99 / £0.89 / €0.99.

Capcom will release new Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice throughout the rest of September each Thursday. Two short stories are on the way, each of which has a unique pixel art 3DS theme. A full-length extra episode titled “Turnabout Time Traveler” is also on the way.

Here’s the schedule:

9/15 – “Phoenix Wright: Asinine Attorney” short story and 3DS theme ($3.99 / £3.59 / €3.99)
9/22 – “Apollo Justice: Asinine Attorney” short story and 3DS theme ( $3.99 / £3.59 / €3.99)
9/29 – “Turnabout Time Traveler” full-length extra episode ($5.99 / £5.39 / €5.99)

Watch the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice launch trailer below.

Source: Capcom PR

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice came to Japan earlier this year, and today’s it’s heading to the western eShop. A few minutes of footage is below.

A few hours ago, the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice review embargo lifted. We’ve rounded up some of the notable verdicts thus far below.

Nintendo Everything – “Thumbs Up”
IGN – 6.5 / 10
GameSpot – 8 / 10
GameXplain – Disliked
Nintendo Life – 9 / 10
Destructoid – 9 / 10
GamesRadar – 4 / 5
Game Informer – 8.5 / 10
NintendoWorldReport – 8 / 10
USGamer – 4.5 / 5

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