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3DS eShop

Koei Tecmo shared new details about Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 today ahead of the game’s June 30 release date.

Read up on some information regarding the Edit Mode below.

Among the key features of the game is the edit mode, where the player can create their own character. Being implemented from the fan-favorite version released with Samurai Warriors 4, the edit mode allows for a very deep level of customization and vast selection of facial features, armor, weapons and accessories. What is unique in Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 though, is that for the first time players will be able to equip their customized characters with the default costumes of the famous warriors they befriend!

Creating and maintaining relationships with officers and warriors is a very important part of Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3, as it allows players to listen in to their thoughts and plans and affect them to their desired effect. In that way the game takes a different turn, as the story mode is completely in the players’ hands and the outcomes of battles, alliances, and ultimately the conclusion of the game, is altered by their actions.

Koei Tecmo also published a pair of gameplay videos today:

Source: Koei Tecmo PR

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Retail

LEGO Jurassic World – $49.99 (available Friday)

Wii U Virtual Console

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town – $6.99

3DS Retail

LEGO Jurassic World – $29.99 (available Friday)

3DS Download

Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure – $8.99
Swords & Darkness – $6.99
Ninja Usagimaru: The Gem of Blessings – $4.99
Japanese Rail Sim 3D Journey in Suburbs #1 – $9.99
My Zoo Vet Practice 3D – $4.99

3DS Demos

BlazBlue: Clone Phantasma
Japanese Rail Sim 3D Journey in Suburbs #1
Ninja Usagimaru: The Gem of Blessings
Swords & Darkness


G.G Series SHADOW ARMY – $1.99
G.G Series ALL BREAKER – $1.99

eShop Sales

Wii U/3DS

– Citizens of Earth (Wii U and Nintendo 3DS) is 50 percent off (reduced from $14.99 to $7.49) beginning at 9 a.m. PT on June 15 until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 22.
– Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut, OlliOlli (Wii U and Nintendo 3DS) and more games from Curve Digital are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 25.

Wii U

– Cubemen 2 is 43 percent off (reduced from $7.99 to $4.49) until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 25.
– PING 1.5+ is 40 percent off (reduced from $4.99 to $2.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 25.
– Zacisa’s Last Stand is 40 percent off (reduced from $1.99 to $1.19) until 8:59 a.m. PT on July 9.


– Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl is 50 percent off (reduced from $29.99 to $14.99) beginning at 9 a.m. PT on June 15 until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 22.
– Family Tennis 3D, Family Table Tennis 3D and more games from Arc System Works are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 25.
– 3D Game Collection, Funfair Party Games and Murder on the Titanic from Joindots are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 25.

Price Reductions

Wii U

– Ice Cream Surfer is now $2.50 (reduced from $5).


– Bowling Bonanza 3D is reduced to $3.99 (from $5.99).
– Gummy Bears Magical Medallion and Gummy Bears Mini Golf are reduced to $3.99 (from $5.99)
– Johnny Dynamite is reduced to $3.99 (from $4.99)

Source: Nintendo PR

This week’s video additions to the Wii U/3DS eShops are as follows:

Wii U

Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Announcement Trailer
LEGO Jurassic World Trailer
Comic Workshop 2 Trailer
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate June DLC Pack Trailer
Adventures of Pip Launch Trailer


Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Announcement Trailer
LEGO Jurassic World Trailer
Comic Workshop 2 Trailer
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate June DLC Pack Trailer
Adventures of Pip Launch Trailer
G.G Series Wonderland Trailer

Source: Wii U/3DS eShops

This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Mighty Switch Force!
2. Woah Dave!
3. OlliOlli
4. SteamWorld Dig
5. Gunman Clive
6. Moon Chronicles
7. Mario Kart 7
8. Puzzle & Dragons + Super Mario Bros. Edition
9. Super Mario Bros. 3
10. Cave Story
11. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
12. Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure
13. Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures
14. The Legend of Zelda
15. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
16. Shovel Knight
17. Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains
18. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
19. Cube Creator 3D
20. Super Mario Bros.


1. Nintendo Direct 6/1/15
2. Stretchmo Trailer
3. Pokemon Rumble World Trailer
4. Get Ready for E3
5. Splatoon Direct – 5/7/15
6. Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains Full Trailer
7. Puzzle & Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros. Edition Trailer
8. Bravest Warriors – Catbug
9. Splatoon “Splat the World” Commercial
10. Bravest Warriors – Time Slime
11. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Mewtwo Strikes Back
12. Dinosaur Office – Computer Problems
13. Puzzle & Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros. Edition Trailer 2
14. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Lucas Comes Out of Nowhere
15. Cube Creator 3D Trailer
16. Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven Trailer
17. Puzzle & Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros. Edition Accolades
18. Dinosaur Office – The Beginning
19. Mario Kart 7 Video
20. Super Smash Bros. Mii Fighters Suit Up for Wave One

Source: 3DS eShop


Following the most recent Japanese Nintendo Direct, Battle Cats came to the 3DS eShop. Footage from the game is posted below.

Footage has come in showing Saturnine Games’ Antipole DX. Since this is a Twitch embed that auto-plays, we’ve posted the video after the break.

Image & Form shared new footage from SteamWorld Heist as part of a crossover feature with Zombie Vikings (which may be coming to Wii U). We’ve embedded the video where SteamWorld Heist is shown below.

On his Twitter page, Digital Eclipse’s Frank Cifaldi has been sharing additional details about the Mega Man Legacy Collection, which was announced earlier in the week.

Here’s a summary of what Cifaldi mentioned:

– Save slot for each game
– Won’t feature any new art that isn’t featured in the big Mega Man 25th anniversary art book
– No filter, NTSC composite simulation, RGB monitor filters
– Unclear if 3D will be supported
– Can stretch 16:9 if you want
– Not restoring unused content from the Mega Man 3 cart
– Audio is apparently “spectacular”
– The team contracted an expert to help with audio

On the project’s intent:

Decision to focus on the first six Mega Man games:

Mega Man Legacy Collection launches on the 3DS eShop this winter.

Source, Via

Nintendo has uploaded a European launch trailer for Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure. Watch it below.

Several new titles are coming to the Japanese eShop on June 17. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital downloads:

Wii U Virtual Console


3DS Download

Forest of Poitto Cororoke (900 yen)
Gu-Nyan (200)



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