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Nintendo has updated its 3DS themes release schedule for the week of March 28. Here’s what’s on tap for Japan today:

The Dog (x2) – 200 yen each
YurryCanon feat.GUMI: Dareka no Shinzou ni Nareta Nara – 200 yen
ChouchouP feat.GUMI: Kokoronashi – 200 yen


Nintendo has updated the release schedule on its platforms for the week of April 5. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:


With The Alliance Alive making its way west on 3DS today, Atlus has prepared a launch trailer. You can see the video below.

Atlus is also planning a trio of free 3DS themes. No dates yet, but they’ll be out “in the near future.” Keep an eye on Atlus’ social media channels for release timing.

Detective Pikachu

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle: Episode 1: A Dreadly Business (NSW) – 7/7/8/7

Detective Pikachu (3DS) – 8/9/8/8

Golf Story (NSW) – 8/9/7/8

Kawaii Pet to Kurasou! Wan’nyan & Idol Animal (3DS) – 7/7/8/7

Queen of Digs! (NSW) – 7/8/7/6

Far Cry 5 (PS4/XBO) – 9/9/9/9

Rooms: The Unsolvable Puzzle (PS4) – 7/8/7/7

In this week of Pokemon Shuffle the Ultra Challenge stage is White Kyurem and the Great Challenge Stages are Chikorita (Winking), Dialga, Lycanroc, Toxapex and Salazzle. The one chance per day stage is Cosmog and the daily Pokemon are Lunatone, Tyrogue, Castform, Mantyke and Solrock. The competitive stage is Mega Manectric and Pokemon Safari includes Darumaka, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Alolan Diglett, Darmanitan, Pikachu (Winking), Raichu (Winking), Manectric and Alolan Dugtrio.


Kirby Star Allies

This week’s Switch/ Wii U/3DS-specific UK software sales are as follows:


1. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Nintendo
2. Super Mario Odyssey – Nintendo
3. Kirby Star Allies – Nintendo
4. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Nintendo
5. Splatoon 2 – Nintendo
6. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle – Ubisoft
7. 1-2-Switch – Nintendo
8. FIFA 18 – EA
9. Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition – Ubisoft
10. Attack on Titan 2 – Koei Tecmo

Wii U

1. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze – Nintendo
2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Nintendo
3. Just Dance 2018 – Ubisoft
4. Mario Party 10 – Nintendo
5. Wii Party U – Nintendo
6. Lego City Undercover – Nintendo
7. LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Warner Bros. Interactive
8. Minecraft: Wii U Edition – Nintendo
9. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD – Nintendo
10. Super Mario 3D World – Nintendo


1. Detective Pikachu – Nintendo
2. Mario Kart 7 – Nintendo
3. Pokemon Ultra Sun – Nintendo
4. Pokemon Ultra Moon – Nintendo
5. New Super Mario Bros. 2 – Nintendo
6. Super Mario 3D Land – Nintendo
7. Luigi’s Mansion 2 – Nintendo
8. Miitopia – Nintendo
9. Mario Party: Island Tour – Nintendo
10. Tomodachi Life – Nintendo

Source: Chart-Track

This week’s UK software sales are as follows:

Individual formats

All formats

Source 1 Source 2

It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart. This week, Octopath Traveler moves back into the top ten.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between March 8 and March 14.


Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:


Best Buy is kicking off a new sale on a whole bunch of video games this week, including Switch and 3DS. There are definitely more titles on sale for Nintendo’s console, but 3DS has a few highlights of its own.

On Switch, games such as Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and Fire Emblem Warriors have been discounted. On 3DS, Best Buy has put Fire Emblem Warriors, Fire Emblem Echoes, Monster Hunter Stories, and Metroid: Samus Returns on sale.

Here’s the full lineup:

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