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Shortly after Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon were announced, the two games were added to the official Pokemon press site. Oddly, both were listed for both 3DS and Switch for a short time. But soon after it was spotted, the Switch mention was removed.

Just as expected, The Pokemon Company says that the Switch listing was an error. An official statement also reiterates that Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon are exclusive to 3DS.

The note reads:

“We would like to address rumours based on a clerical error on the Pokémon press site; Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon are coming exclusively to Nintendo 3DS family of systems and are not due for release on Nintendo Switch. This listing on the Pokémon press site was made in error and is not indicative of future plans. Please refer to the Pokémon Direct for more game details.”


New forms for Solgaleo / Lunala were depicted in today’s unveiling of Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon. Additional art for both Pokemon have since come in, attached above.


Natsume has confirmed its full lineup for E3 2017. Several Nintendo-related titles will be showcased.

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope leads the lineup, and will be shown for the first time on Switch. River City: Knights of Justice, River City: Rival Showdown, Wild Guns Reloaded, and Harvest Moon: Lil’ Farmers round out the rest of the games.

Full details on Natsume’s E3 titles are below.

In the original Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon games, a Wii U could be found in the player’s room at the beginning of the game. With Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon, it’s been replaced. Wii U is gone, and Switch has taken its place. Since Switch is Nintendo’s focus now, the change does make sense.


Update: This has already been removed. We’re going to chalk it up to it being an error.

Original: Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon were just revealed for 3DS as part of the new Pokemon Direct. However, the series’ official press site is also listing the game for Switch with a “TBA” release date. I’m going to guess that this is just a mistake, but hey, maybe there’s a tiny bit of hope that they’ll be on Switch as well.

Missed any of today’s big Pokemon news? If so, you can now watch the latest Pokemon Direct in full. See the full presentation below.

An official announcement has been sent out for all of today’s Pokemon news. Get the recap on Pokken Tournament DX, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon, and Pokemon Gold / Silver on the 3DS Virtual Console below.

During today’s Pokémon Direct presentation, Tsunekazu Ishihara, president and CEO of The Pokémon Company, and Junichi Masuda, Director of GAME FREAK, announced upcoming Pokémon titles for Nintendo consoles.

Pokémon is making its way to Nintendo Switch later this year with Pokkén Tournament DX. Including all the content from both the Wii U and arcade versions of Pokkén Tournament, Pokkén Tournament DX introduces an array of exciting new features to create the ultimate Pokkén experience. Features of Pokkén Tournament DX include:

Pokken Tournament DX wasn’t today’s only new Pokemon announcement. Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon are coming to 3DS.

Here’s what we know as of now:

– Alternate story
– Takes place in the world of Pokemon Sun/Moon
– Has Pokemon that didn’t appear in the original versions
– New features

E3 2017 is only a week away, but it already feels like the festivities have started. Today’s Pokemon Direct can be partially attributed to that since we should be getting some big news about the franchise very soon.

No live blog for this one due to how short it is, but you can watch the Pokemon Direct as it happens below in an hour from now (7 AM PT / 10 AM ET / 3 PM in the UK / 4 PM in Europe). Although it’ll only be eight minutes long, similar presentations focusing on the series have been equally short. We’ll put up any breaking news on the site right as it happens.

There are quite a few things to note in this update.

Firstly, Great Challenge Alolan Exeggutor special stage is now available to play, as well as an Alolan Muk and Lurantis stage.

A new Pokemon Safari that features Alolan Meowth, Alolan Persian, Bounsweet, Steenee and Tsareena. Daily Pokemon (#7) has begun its repeat run.

Finally, a Primarina Competitive Stage is now active with the top 100 players receiving 1 Skill Swapper, 5 Mega Speedup and 10 Raise Max Level, regardless participating will net you an Attack Power. Check out all the rewards right here.

All of these will be available until June 20th.


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