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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy is now available on Switch. To celebrate, Capcom has produced a new launch trailer. We’ve included it below.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Nintendo has announced a big sale for the European eShop. A selection of the most popular Switch titles will be discounted by up to 60% off their regular price, including Super Mario Odyssey, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dark Souls: Remastered, and more.

Here’s the full lineup:

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Mortal Kombat 11

Mortal Kombat 11 is now available to pre-load from the Switch eShop. Thanks to that listing, we have some new information about the game’s digital version.

Mortal Kombat 11 takes up 22.5GB of space. There have been conflicting reports today about how big of a download it actually is, so we’ll have to wait and see if anything changes prior to release.

Those who are especially interested in Mortal Kombat 11 can purchase a $99.99 Premium Edition. 13 pieces of unnamed DLC are included, though one of these is scheduled to go live alongside the April 22 launch. The rest of the DLC items have a tentative December 31 release date.

Source: Switch eShop

SOEDESCO and 3DClouds have announced post-launch update plans for Xenon Racer. The Switch game will be receiving new content in May, June, and July.

May’s update will add three new tracks and a new car. In June, players will be able to access new car upgrades. The final patch planned for July will bring along four new tracks and a new car.


The score-based arcade shoot ’em up Switch ‘N’ Shoot is slated for the Switch eShop this week. Have a look at some early footage below.

Fire Emblem Heroes isn’t the only Nintendo mobile app to have received an update. Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp’s latest version has gone live, too.

Version 2.3.0 has a few new features. Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has added the Reissue Crafting functionality and “Let’s go!” button to notifications. There’s also an increase in the max capacity for collected items, on-screen display has been adjusted, and bug fixes have been implemented.

Solo: Islands of the Heart

Merge Games has announced that it is bringing the “introspective puzzler” Solo: Islands of the Heart to Switch. The game was originally developed by Team Gotham, a team from Madrid.

Here’s an overview of the game, along with a trailer:

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy

System: Switch
Release date: April 9, 2019
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom

It’s not often that a game can make a debate over the date on a receipt into a matter of life and death, but that’s exactly the kind of storytelling that characterizes the Ace Attorney franchise. Making their first appearance in court all the way back in 2001 on the Game Boy Advance in Japan, the series of visual novel adventure games has made a name for itself for its iconic lines, twisting narratives, and memorable characters. Capcom has now seen fit to bundle the first three entries into the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, marking the franchise’s debut on HD home consoles with a small handful of modern changes. Of course, this begs the question: so many years after their initial releases, can the original Ace Attorney games still make a convincing case for themselves? Let’s commence our investigation and find out.

Nippon Ichi has published the fourth video in a series focusing on the characters of Murder Detective Jack the Ripper, with this one showcasing Harry Brown.

The character works as a police officer within London throughout the game. First footage can be viewed below.


Just a short while ago, Fire Emblem Heroes received its big 3.4.0 update. Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have now gone in-depth explaining what’s new.

Here’s the full post:

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