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The Demon Crystal

After first releasing in Japan last December, The Demon Crystal will soon be available in the west. Regista will be bringing the game to North America and Europe on April 11.

Here’s a trailer for the side-scrolling action RPG:

The Demon Crystal will cost $9.99 on the Switch eShop.

Source: Switch eShop

Sensor Tower has a new report on Nintendo’s mobile earnings. Interestingly, Q1 2019 was the company’s third-best quarter of mobile gaming revenue ever.

Here’s a breakdown of the finer points:


Enter the Gungeon received its big A Farewell to Arms update today. New features and content were added, including a new secret area filled with new enemies, a unique new boss, Rainbow Mode, and plenty more.

Below are the full patch notes:

Kingdom: Two Crowns

Raw Fury has started the distribution of a new update for Kingdom: Two Crowns on Switch. Version 1.0.4 is live, featuring fixes, balance adjustments, and new features.

The full patch notes are as follows:

Darksiders Warmastered Edition recently made its way to Switch. It’s a particularly interesting port, as the game has a number of technical options players can enable/disable. Digital Foundry takes a closer look at it all in its latest analysis today.

Darksiders Warmastered Edition lets you choose between “High Quality and “High Performance”. When playing docked, the former option has 30 frames per second at a 1080p resolution while the latter has an unlocked frame rate and a resolution of 1440×810. When playing in handheld mode, High Quality runs at 720p while those who have the High Performance option enabled will have the action reduced to 540p.

Box Align

Publisher QUByte Interactive and developer Kasulo Game Studio today confirmed that Box Align is heading to Switch next week. The puzzle title is lined up for an April 11 release.

Here’s an overview, along with a trailer:

Senran Kagura Peach Ball

Senran Kagura Peach Ball will launch in the west this summer, XSEED announced today. The game originally released in Japan last December.

Here’s an overview:

A Farewell to Arms, the last major content update for Enter the Gungeon, arrives on Switch today. View the DLC’s launch trailer below.

Assemble Entertainment published a new Switch-specific trailer for Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry. WE have it below.

Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry launches on Switch this summer.

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and TT Games have released the LEGO DC Super-Villains: Shazam! Movie Level Pack 1. It includes a new level and DC characters inspired by the new movie, out in theaters today.

If you have the LEGO DC Super-Villains season pass, the Shazam! Movie Level Pack 1 can be played today. The second level pack, which also adds a new level and characters, will be available on April 23. The movie DLC bundle can be purchased separately on April 23 for $5.99.

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