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Reigns Beyond

Thanks to Devolver Digital and Nerial, we have a release date for Reigns Beyond. The game comes to Switch on April 17, 2024.

Reigns: Beyond was only just revealed for Switch last month. Devolver Digital said it was planning a Spring 2024 launch.


GodziPixel is developing Nimbusfall for Switch, the studio announced today along with publisher DevilishGames. It will be available “soon”.

Nimbusfall is a boss rush-style game in which players take on the role of the last survivor of a race decimated by The Moon, now seeking to settle the score with the culprit of its extinction. Further information is included in the following overview:

Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble Adventure Mode

SEGA today passed along new details for Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble’s Adventure Mode experience. We have details about the story, optional assist features, and the different worlds.

Here’s the full rundown:

VS. Super Xevious: Gump’s Mystery is heading to Switch as the latest Arcade Archives game, Hamster has announced. The title is due out worldwide on April 11, 2024.

VS. Super Xevious: Gump’s Mystery was first released in 1986 by Namco. In order to save humanity from the control of Xevious’s army in this shooting game, players will need to take control of the fighter plane Solvalou to solve the mysteries hidden in each area and make their way towards the enemy fortress.

Arcade Archives VS. Super Xevious: Gump’s Mystery will be sold digitally via the Switch eShop. Pricing is set at $7.99 / €6.99 / £6.29.

Front Mission 2 Remake update 1.0.5

A new version 1.0.5 update dropped today for Front Mission 2: Remake on Switch.

New Game Plus is the main highlight. However, there are other features, improvements, and fixes – notably new Wanzer Camo variants and color variants, redone English and Japanese translations, and more.

Here’s the full rundown:

Plank Builders

Diditopia Games’ upcoming construction game Plank Builders will be made for Switch, the studio has confirmed. There’s no word on launch timing currently.

Plank Builders is intended to offer a cozy, peaceful experience that transports players back to their childhood. The end goal is to find and reach all of the stuffed toy monkeys hidden in the room.

Here’s an official overview with more details:

Botany Manor launch trailer

One last trailer is here for Botany Manor to celebrate this week’s launch. Whitethorn Games and Balloon Studios just made it available on Switch.

Find more information about the title in the following overview:

Epic Mickey: Rebrushed footage

Epic Mickey: Rebrushed was announced for Switch during a Nintendo Direct a couple of months ago, but we didn’t see a whole lot from the remake. That’s new changed with some new footage which just came in.

GameSpot posted the video, which contains eight minutes of gameplay. One of the early sections is shown here, including some 2D platforming.

Logiart Grimoire

Jupiter, the studio behind the Picross S games, has set a release date for Logiart Grimoire on Switch. The title will be available on April 18, 2024.

Logiart Grimoire was previously announced for Switch last August. We knew it would be arriving sometime this year, but when exactly was unknown.

Tales from Candleforth

Tales from Candleforth is seeing release on Switch this month, publisher Feardemic and developer Under the Bed Games announced today. The launch will be taking place on April 30, 2024.

Tales from Candleforth is a folk horror point-and-click adventure game featuring “a collection of fairy tales that were written on top of a forbidden book many years ago to hide its content.” More information can be found in the following overview:

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