Dragalia Lost event having technical issues
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt O'Keefe(@matt_okeefe) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The second ever event for Dragalia Lost went live earlier today. But the Trick or Treat event is having a number of technical issues as reported by Perfectly Nintendo. Here are the problems they list:
- Player may be disconnected in Co-op when using the weapon skill of “Jack-o’-Lance” or “Vampire’s Lantern.”
- The total might of each party is displayed during Co-op of the boss battle “Squash the Pumpking.”
- Under “Current Effective Facility” at the event’s main screen, it incorrectly says “Strength X% Up!” instead of “Damage X% Up!”
- The daily battle “Nightly Haunts” is not resetting properly.
There was an additional problem involving stat boosts, but the developer fixed that issue and are investigating the other four.
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost
European release teased for Sleep Tight
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt O'Keefe(@matt_okeefe) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Shooter Sleep Tight already released in the United States in July, but now developer We Are Fuzzy seems about ready to debut the game in Europe. They posted on Twitter that those requesting a release of the game in the EU eShop should expect an “exciting announcement coming soon.”
More: Sleep Tight, We Are Fuzzy
Dragon Quest Builders 2 includes new Builder Puzzles challenges
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt O'Keefe(@matt_okeefe) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Dragon Quest Builders 2 has added another element to differentiate itself from the first game in the series. Builder Puzzles are found in ruins all throughout the world. Here is more detail courtesy of Gematsu’s translation of Weekly Jump:
Mining with Ruffians
The protagonist visits Occulm Island in search of metal. Together with ruffians that specialize in mining, go on a grand adventure in the underground mines spread across the island! Break through blocked paths and broken tracks.
Solve Builder Puzzles Scattered Throughout the World
In Dragon Quest Builders 2, there are ruins all throughout the world where players can challenge “Builder Puzzles” that call for the power of a builder. If you solve the various puzzles of each ruin, something good may happen.
Wii U eShop charts (10/18/18)
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
More: charts
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 update (version 2.0.1), Torna – The Golden Country update (version 1.0.1) out now
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Nintendo and Monolith Soft have issued updates for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. If you purchased the main game, version 2.0.1 is now available. For standalone Torna – The Golden Country owners, it’s version 1.0.1.
Below are the full patch notes:
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition DX teaser site open, first screenshots
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Screenshots, Switch | 0 comments
A few days ago, Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition DX was announced for Switch. Koei Tecmo has since opened the game’s teaser site, accessible here.
Aside from the new site, first screenshots are in. We have the images showing Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition DX below.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Super Smash Blog update: Palutena
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Nintendo has posted another update to the Smash Bros. Blog for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This time around, we have an introduction to Palutena.
Here’s the overview:
Let’s get you battle ready for Wargroove
Posted on 6 years ago by Eric Zauch in Features, Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Games developed by Chucklefish are no laughing matter and my excitement levels for their upcoming game Wargroove, are off the scale. However, the most I’d seen of Wargroove was a couple of ancient trailers and the odd tweet. Thus, I took it upon myself to fish out a little more info and I was delighted with what I found. Now that I’m ready to boogie on down to the tactical groove, it’s time to prepare you for battle, as the war is almost here.
More: Chucklefish, highlight, top, Wargroove
The Room Switch footage
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
A few hours ago, Team17 and Fireproof Games released The Room on the Switch eShop. Take a look at some footage below.
More: Fireproof Games, Team17, The Room
Aqua TV due out on Switch next week
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Over the past couple of years or so, we’ve seen a number of games move over from Wii U to Switch. Aqua TV is the latest example of that. A listing on the eShop shows that Extra Mile Studios is bringing the title to Nintendo’s newest console next week.
Here’s an overview, along with a trailer: