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Atlus has continued its rollout of character trailers for Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth. Below we have a video focusing on Akihiko Sanada, who originates from Persona 3.

The game announced earlier this year has gotten an official title. Taito announced that it’s named The Ninja Warriors: Once Again. A stage will be playable at the Indie Game Corner Natsume Atari booth during TGS, which runs September 20 to September 23.

The announcement also came with a trailer, which you can watch below.

Source, Via

Konami added a web page for its appearance at the 2018 Tokyo Games Show. Read the lineup according to translations from Gematsu below.

Peculiarly, Target’s website lists the release date of the Switch version of Diablo III as November 2, leading to a lot of speculation. Every other retailer has a placeholder date of December 21, the last day of Fall 2018. Adding to the intrigue, November 2 is the first day of BlizzCon. Releasing a Diablo game on a handheld for the first time could be a very exciting way for Blizzard to kick off its annual event.

Source, Via

Hamster has passed along word regarding this week’s NeoGeo title on Switch. Starting on Thursday, Ninja Commando will be sold via the eShop.

Here’s a brief overview:

In well under two years, Nintendo has sold over 5-million Switches in Japan alone. Famitsu shared that Switch hardware sales sit at 5,007,368 units.

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In a surprising move for Nintendo, the digital copies of both Yo-Kai Watch Blasters titles offer Yo-Kai you can’t obtain elsewhere. Yo-Kai Watch Blasters: Red Cat Corps comes with Maginyan, while Yo-kai Watch Blasters: White Dog Squad nets you Sir Nyansalot. They both release on 3DS this Friday, September 7.

Source, Via

Japanese developer Visualnoveler launched a second Kickstarter for its new game Destiny Chronicles after the previous attempt fell short of its goal. This time they’re looking to raise about $44,000 and already have a demo people interested can download. Here’s the summary they provide:

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu contained a lot of new information about Switch game Kamen Rider: Climax Scramble Zio from Bandai Namco. Read on for the translation courtesy of Gematsu:

Mercenaries Wings: The False Phoenix

The new strategy game Mercenaries Wings: The False Phoenix has been dated for Japan. It’s set to arrive on September 27, Rideon announced today.

Circle Entertainment will be publishing Mercenaries Wings: The False Phoenix in other regions. A release date hasn’t been confirmed for North America or Europe, though we could have news soon.


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