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Fire Emblem Heroes is now hosting a new Summoning Focus, Heroes with Link Skills. This summoning event features Camilla: Flower of Fantasy, Lilith: Astral Daughter, and Kaden: Kitsune Braggart.  This 5-star summoning focus ends on August 26.

Additionally, Feh’s Summer Celebration Quest was initially said to reward 120 Divine Codes (Part 1) rather than its actual reward of 120 Divine Codes (Ephemera 7). As a log-in bonus compensation, players can receive the 120 Divine Codes (Part 1) if they claim it before September 3.

From now until September 3rd, players of Pokemon Masters can challenge the legendary Latios in an Arena event. Players can use up to thirty sync pairs to take on the Eon Pokémon, which is capable of flight speeds faster than a jet airplane. Do you have what it takes to conquer this challenge?

Additionally, players can now chase after sync pair Lance & Dragonite again. This is a Poké Fair Scout and is the only way to get the duo in game. This event will also be available for players to test their luck until September 3rd.

Players of Dragalia Lost have a version update to look forward to soon. Launching August 26th, the update will make some changes regarding compatible devices — if you have an iOS device with 1GB of RAM or less, or an Android device with 3GB of RAM or less, then your device will no longer be considered compatible to run the game. You can take a look at a listing of phones and tablets that will no longer be compatible here: Important Notice Regarding Supported Devices. As always, there are myriad positives to look forward to, including bug fixes and the customary Tenfold Summon Voucher that is distributed after the automatic update period.

Check out the full patch notes here:

Intelligent Systems has added a new Grand Hero Battle to Fire Emblem Heroes’ Special Maps. This features the new Grand Hero, Jorge: Traveling Peddler. Completing this Grand Hero Battle on various difficulties will net players different rewards, those being a 3-star version of the Hero from Hard difficulty, a 4-star version on Lunatic difficulty,  and a 4-star version with Hero Feathers on Infernal difficulty. This Grand Hero Battle will be available until August 27.

Check out the latest content coming to Dragalia Lost:

  • Version 1.23.0 of #DragaliaLost will be available for download around Aug. 26, 8 PM PT! You may update right away; otherwise, an automatic update will occur around Aug. 27, 8 PM PT. See the following notification for info on what’s in the update.
  • Special light-attuned adventurer upgrade events began on Aug. 17, 11 PM PT!

While there are currently no patch notes, we will keep an eye out for details as they come for version 1.23.0

Fire Emblem Heroes has dropped a lot of new content, including new heroes to summon from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. These Choose Your Legends: Round 4 winners include Edelgard, Dimitri, Lysithea, and Claude and they are dressed in special outfits. One of these five star heroes can be picked to be summoned for free as a part of this event. 

Coming with these heroes is a new story chapter in Book IV (chapter 10) where players will fight on a brand new map. 2 Orbs can be earned for clearing this map as the Forging Bonds: A New Future event is live now and for seven days during the event, players can earn 2 Orbs the first time a map is cleared.

Finally, there are some more minor content additions such as the number of times Dragonflowers can be used on heroes has been increased. Heroes who could be upgraded 5 times can now be upgraded 10 times and heroes that could be upgraded 10 times can now be upgraded 15.

Dragalia Lost dropped some new content today, starting with the revival of the facility event and summoning showcase of A Crescendo of Courage. This will bring higher summoning chances for five star variants of Summer Cleo, Summer Verica, and Pop-Star Siren. 

Also started now is the second part of the summer log-in bonus, featuring wyrmite, Light Tomes, and Shadow Tomes. Both of the aforementioned content drops will run until August 27 at 10:59pm PT. 

Finally, a new chapter has been added to the main story, titled “Light and Shadow.” This continuation of the main campaign will have the prince and his allies pursue Zethia’s captor to North Grastaea and face off against a familiar warrior once they arrive. 


Fire Emblem Heroes is hosting several new events right now. Firstly, the fifth set of Limited Hero Battles is now live. Clearing them can reward players with up to 5000 Hero Feathers, and 200 Divine Code. Players can earn 3-star versions of heroes when completing these on Hard difficulty, 4-star versions on Lunatic difficulty, and 4-star versions of heroes with Hero Feathers on Lunatic difficulty. These will be available until August 24. The first Grand Hero Battle launches today, and it features Jamke: Prince of Verdane.

Next, Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 3 is now live once again. It features Zelgius: Jet Black General, Micaiah: Priestess of Dawn, and Veronica: Brave Princess. This Summoning Focus will be live until August 23.

A new set of Quests, Cavalry Strike, is now available to players until August 29.

Lastly, new introductions have been brought into Meet Some Of The Heroes. These are Dimitri: King of Faerghus, Claude: Almyra’s King, Edelgard: Adrestian Emperor, Lysithea: Earnest Seeker, and Jorge: Traveling Peddler. They can be viewed here.

Pokemon Cafe Mix has been downloaded over 5 million times and to celebrate, a special gift of 5,000 Golden Acorns, 3 Vertical Whistles and 3 Horizontal Whistles will be given to all players. 

This gift distribution will last until August 30th at 06:00 UTC.

Source (pic by Serebii as well)

Dragalia Lost’s Platinum Showcase is live now and it will last until August 28 at 10:59pm PT. This event guarantees a five star dragon as the tenth summon in a tenfold summon session and features the dragons Shinobi, Nimis, and Tie Shan Gongzhu. 

Also coming soon to Dragalia Lost is the revival of the A Crescendo of Courage event. This will be bringing back the facility event as well as the summoning showcase featuring Cleo, Verica, and Siren. This will go live on August 17 at 11pm PT.


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