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Dragalia Lost is getting some new content in the form of a Splash of Adventure raid event revival and a Chapter 14 interlude. Both of these events will go live on July 19, 11pm PT.

In the meantime, a Dragon Special summoning event and a Platinum Showcase will be dropping on July 17th, 11pm PT and will provide an increased chance to summon the five star variants of the dragons Azazel, Gaibhne & Creidhne, and Freya. 

More details on these upcoming events can be found in the source below. 


Pokemon Masters has dropped a large amount of information detailing an upcoming update as well as new features that are coming soon. The game is approaching its one year anniversary and much is planned for its anniversary – including an update to items, sync pairs, and the Explore menu. This includes adding type skills which will be skills that all sync pairs will have and can be activated when players have two or more Pokemon that have the same type skills in their party.

A producer letter has also been released and it talks about the summer seasonal sync pairs, a stamina mechanic, a new egg feature and event. More Pokemon eggs are being added and players can create sync pairs with these Pokemon that hatch. The seasonal sync pair coming soonest will be Steven and Alolan Sandslash but another summer sync pair will be revealed in not too long.

Heroes, Light and Shadow has been announced as the next summoning event in Fire Emblem Heroes. It will feature Kris: Unknown Hero, Julian: Tender Thief, Lena: Tender Angel, and Kris: Unsung Hero. A new story chapter is also planned.

Fire Emblem Heroes will be hosting Heroes, Light and Shadow starting on July 20. View a trailer for the event below.

Fire Emblem Heroes is hosting multiple events starting today.

A new Summoning Focus has arrived, Summoning Focus: Heroes with Moonbow. Lysithea: Child Prodigy, Tsubasa: Madcap Idol, and Gerik: Desert Tiger are available as part of this 5-star summoning event focused on heroes with Moonbow. Additionally, heroes with Moonbow treat their foe’s Def/Res stats as if they were reduced by 30% during combat. This event will be available until July 25.

The Brace phase for Mjolnir’s Strike 28 begins today. All players are tasked with cooperating to protect the Kingdom of Askr from the advancing army of the god of War, Thorr. This Strike is led by Panne: Proud Taguel. The Brace phase will last until July 17, with the entire Strike ending July 20.

Lastly, a new map has been added to Tactics Drills, Heirs and Teachers (Grandmaster, Infernal).

Fire Emblem Heroes is once again hosting a Bound Hero Battle featuring Fae & Idunn in Special Maps, bringing back the corresponding Bound Hero Battle map and event. You can earn orbs by taking on Hard through Infernal modes.

This event will be available until July 21.

A new solo event has kicked off in Pokemon Masters, Morty’s Secret Ghost Training. This event ends with a “Full Force” style battle similar to Battle Arenas, features multiple medals as rewards,  and adds a new sync pair: Morty and Drifblim. It also features a Spotlight Scout increasing the chances of scouting this new duo.

The Morty’s Secret Ghost Training solo event will be available until July 28th.


Dragalia Lost is seeing some new content tonight. Videos are now out for Summer Mikoto and Summer Patia, which are located at the bottom of this post. Check out today’s updates for the latest happenings for the Prince and his friends:

Players can now enjoy the Exploration Tour with Captain Toad and Toadette. Delve deep into the mines, and more in the latest content update. New karts and characters await, so be sure to login and earn those rewards. Check out the trailer below for a peek at what’s available:

Following Scorbunny, Sobble is now available for players to befriend and recruit in Pokemon Cafe Mix. Players will have two weeks to add the Pokemon to their team. As long as you encounter it at least once during play, you should be able to invite it to work at the Cafe. Be sure to befriend it before the event ends on July 29th.



Summer-themed adventurers are arriving with the Gala Dragalia Remix on July 14th at 11PM PT. Take a look at the trailer below, along with character introductions:

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