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The new Tempest Trials Mini: Stepping into the New Year event is officially live in Fire Emblem Heroes. Check out some footage of the content update below.

Version 5.0.6 of Pokemon Duel should be coming later today, here is what you can expect to change as listed by Serebii:

– Drapion
Movement increased from 1 to 2

Added new ability: Shed Skin
Increased power of Poison Fang from 40 to 50

– Seviper
Added new ability: Rapid Approach
Increased wheel size of Toxic Fluid & Poison Tail
Decreated wheel size of Wrap


The newest Tempest Trial Mini is now live for Fire Emblem Heroes players, this one takes advantage of the New Year’s characters. It will be available til January 23rd and the prize character this time around is the New Year’s Corrin.

CyberStep is bringing three games to the Switch’s Japanese market. Onigiri, GetAmped Mobile, and Akatsuki no Eiyuu: Breakers.

Onigiri is MMO action RPG, GetAmped Mobile is, as the name implies, a mobile game that deals with competitive action and finally Akatsuki no Eiyuu: Breakers is a brand new title. They will all be released sometime later in the year.



Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp will be receiving another update, here are the features and enhancements you can expect to come when the update launches:

– Ability to customize terrain in select areas at your campsite
– You will be able to place more than a single rug
– Customize the look of your animal friends, but not all clothing options are available to all animals
– It will be easier to request help for Shovelstrike Quarry
– Easier usage of the Market Box
– Gardening feature will receive various changes
– New fish and bugs will be added

It is not clear when this next update will be happening in the future, but it can’t be too far away.


A number of new items have been added to Miitomo. Among the selection you’ll find in the app, the following are now available:

– Sheep horns
– Clown mask
– Simple parka + layered jersey knit

These items can be obtained by using Miitomo coins in Miitomo Shop.


Fire Emblem Heroes updated this week with a new Grand Hero Battle featuring Oliver, along with a summoning focus featuring Micaiah. Get a closer look at all of the new content below.

Nintendo sent out a new update for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp earlier in the week. According to the official patch notes, bug fixes were implemented. It was a clear sign that the update was small in nature.

The update also makes a change that is small, yet still interesting. In version 1.1.2, the Isabelle kite model was altered. It was previously right over left before, but now shows the correct left over right folding. The original way is only used when dressing the dead for burial, and is considered to be very bad luck. Nintendo obviously noticed the error and quickly made the fix.


Fire Emblem Heroes has updated once again. Today, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have started a Grand Hero Battle featuring Oliver: Admirer of Beauty.

This is located in Special Maps. By winning the battle, you can make him your ally.

Source: Fire Emblem Heroes

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“Snowy superstar! Winter Sportswear” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:


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