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Switch eShop

Carto footage

Posted on 4 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments


The adventure game Carto arrives on Switch tomorrow, but some footage is available now. Check out the gameplay below.

Carto will be distributed digitally for Switch via the eShop.

Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition

Frontier is back with another developer spotlight highlighting Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition on Switch. Below, senior community manager Jens Erik, director Richard Newbold, and senior artist Liesa Bauwens discuss gameplay, the player experience, and different ways to play on the system.

Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition launches for Switch in November 3. Watch the first developer spotlight here if you haven’t already.

Bake 'n Switch

Streamline Games has announced the first major free DLC for Bake ‘n Switch. Later this week, players will be able to access the co-op expansion pack “Shroomageddon” and “Bun Solo” single-player mode.

We have a rundown of what’s included below, along with a trailer:

Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure, a comedy cosmic horror adventure made in Transylvania, arrives on Switch later this week. Find some footage in the video below.

Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure releases for Switch via the eShop on October 28.


Tic Toc Games has shared the opening cinematic for B.ARK, its upcoming family-friendly couch co-op space shooter for Switch.

The video was traditionally animated by Marc Gomez (the animator behind A Boy and His Blob). It also features voice acting of industry legend James Urbaniak (The Venture Bros.).

Here’s the video:


Galacide, a shoot ’em up puzzle hybrid, landed on Switch at the end of last week. Check out some footage in the video below.

Galacide is out now on Switch via the eShop.

Klabater and Juggler Games today announced The Amazing American Circus, a new project featuring card game, tycoon, and adventure elements. It will release on Switch in 2021.

We have the following overview and trailer for The Amazing American Circus:


Eastasiasoft, in partnership with Ravegan, today announced that the colorfully crude 3D action brawler Teratopia is heading to Switch. It’s due out this holiday season as an eShop download.

Here’s an overview of Teratopia, along with a trailer:

The upcoming visual novel The Ryuo’s Work is Never Done! has received a delay. Originally expected in November, Gematsu has reported that the game will be pushed back to a projected December 17, 2020 release according to retailers and the publisher.

Hopefully, no more delays will come and The Ryuo’s Work is Never Done! will release for Switch at this new date of December 17. 


Rune Factory 4 Special

A number of new deals are up and running on the North American Switch eShop. These include Alien: Isolation, Jenny LeClue, Rune Factory 4 Special, Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, and more.

Here are the full highlights:


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