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Switch eShop

Thomas Was Alone

Thomas Was Alone, Bithell Games’ minimalist 2D platformer that previously released on Wii U, is now heading to Switch. Creator Mike Bithell confirmed on Twitter a few minutes ago that Ant Workshop is assisting with the port.

Here’s some information about Thomas Was Alone plus a trailer:

Game Dev Tycoon

Game Dev Tycoon, a business simulation game, has released on Switch. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

Game Dev Tycoon is out now for Switch via the eShop.

Nippon Ichi Software has dropped another musical trailer for Mad Rat Dead, this one for the song “Breath of Forest.” This song will be featured in the game and on the three CD soundtrack of Mat Rat Dead, and the trailer contains the track’s entire running length of 4:39. 

Check out the musical trailer for Breath of Forest below.

Mad Rat Dead releases on October 30, 2020 for the Switch. 

Super Mario Bros. 35

Nintendo has put out the first update for Super Mario Bros. 35. Version 1.0.1 is live, which implements a couple of fixes.

Below are the full patch notes:

Cyber Shadow

When we last heard about Cyber Shadow, it was on track for a Fall 2020 launch. Publisher Yacht Club Games has now provided an update, stating that the game is experiencing a “minor delay”.

Yacht Club said in a statement today:

Neighbours back from Hell

Following up on today’s launch of Neighbours back from Hell on Switch, a new gameplay trailer has been shared. Watch the video below.

Neighbours back from Hell is available for Switch via the eShop.

Alwa's Legacy

Alwa’s Legacy is off to a strong start on Switch, especially compared to its original release. Elden Pixel’s Mikael Forslind says that the game already sold more copies on the eShop than the Steam version. Keep in mind that the Switch version debuted about a week ago whereas it’s been out on Steam for four months.

Forslind tweeted earlier today:

Green Hell

Green Hell, an open world survival simulator, made it to Switch today. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

Green Hell is being distributed digitally for Switch via the eShop.


The turn based-tactical RPG Ikenfell has arrived on Switch, and a new trailer has been released to celebrate. Have a look at it below.

Ikenfell can be found for Switch on the eShop.

Treehouse Riddle

Today, publisher Marudice and developer Fruitbat Factory announced the adventure game Treehouse Riddle for Switch. It’s due out on the system this winter.

Here’s an overview of Treehouse Riddle, along with a trailer:

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