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Switch eShop

tinyBuild just published Clustertruck on the Switch eShop a couple of days ago. Despite that, a patch is just on the horizon.

The upcoming update fixes the y-axis not inverting properly and some rare crashes. It has already been submitted to Nintendo, so you should be able to download it soon. We’ll let you know when it’s live.


A few different Switch games either support cross-platform play or intend to in the future such as Rocket League. Hover: Revolt of Gamers is another title that will make use of the feature.

Hover was just updated on Steam today to support cross-platform play. That means when the game comes to Switch, it should be supported out of the gate. Hover players on Switch will be able to match up with others on the Xbox One and PC.


After previously releasing it on Wii U and New 3DS, Turtle Cream is finishing up a Switch port of 6180 the moon. The platformer doesn’t have a release date yet, but is due out “soon”.

The main hook of 6180 the moon is that the top and bottom of the screen are connected. We have a bit of additional information and a trailer below.

Next Thursday, OPUS: Rocket of Whispers will be available on Switch as a digital download. Take a look at some early footage below.

Forever Entertainment released Sparkle 3 Genesis on Switch this Thursday. For a look at the game in action, watch the video below.

Last month, tinyBuild hosted a special #HelloSwitch presentation. Several games were announced for Nintendo’s console, including Clustertruck, Party Hard, and Hello Neighbor.

#HelloSwitch won’t just be a one-time thing. tinyBuild has confirmed that another presentation is planned, and filming has already started.

The company wrote on Twitter a few days ago:

Thanks to Arison for the tip.



Kitfox Games confirmed yesterday that a new update has gone out for Moon Hunters. Two improvements have been implemented.

First, Moon Hunters should have a smoother overall frame rate. Additionally, the game has implemented a better single Joy-Con mode detection. That’s it for the update, but both are worthwhile in improving Moon Hunters on Switch.


The newest Floor Kids update is now available. We’re currently aware of one notable addition: Infinity Mode.

The team behind Floor Kids actually hasn’t really explained what Infinity Mode is. But based on the vague information we’ve received in the past, it appears to be a practice mode of sorts. We’ll bring you any additional information about the mode and the update once the developer shares more.


Yesterday, Last Day of June was added to the Switch eShop. We have the game’s official launch trailer below.

Kirby Star Allies

This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:


1. Kirby Star Allies
2. Arcade Archives Vs. Super Mario Bros.
3. Stardew Valley
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
5. Rocket League
6. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition
7. Human: Fall Flat
8. Overcooked: Special Edition
9. Celeste
10. Splatoon 2
11. Super Mario Odyssey
12. Zelda: Breath of the Wild
13. Enter the Gungeon
14. Bayonetta
15. Bayonetta 2
16. Darkest Dungeon
17. The Flame in the Flood
18. Payday 2
19. Sonic Mania
20. Snipperclips

Source: Switch eShop


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