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Switch eShop


Some new sales went live on the North American Switch and 3DS eShops this week. On Switch, Perception has been discounted for the first time, and there are some other decent offers as well. For 3DS specifically we’re highlighting the fact that all of the Ace Attorney games are on sale, including Apollo Justice.

Here’s the full roundup:


Celeste is off to a very good start on Switch. The game has sold the most on Nintendo’s console, according to creator Matt Thorson.

Thorson told Destructoid in a new interview:

“The Switch version of Celeste has sold the most, and that’s what we were expecting. We feel like Celeste and the Switch are a perfect fit for each other. We are glad we launched on all consoles though, and we really appreciate the support we’ve seen across the board.”

Thorson hasn’t divulged any specific sales figures for Celeste. But as we’ve seen, it’s topping the Switch eShop charts.


System: Switch (eShop)
Release date: January 25, 2018
Developer: SMG Studio / Premo Games
Publisher: SMG Studio

There’s not a lot to dislike about Super One More Jump. On its surface it looks like a fairly generic Super Meat Boy derivative, but beyond its stout square character, the ease in which you can very quickly die in its short challenge levels – and the instant reset when you do – Super One More Jump shares more with auto-runner mobile games than the intricate fine-tuned play that a Meat Boy demands. It wasn’t a surprise to learn that this is a souped-up version of Premo Games’ One More Jump. As a result it’s mechanically undercooked to be a slightly awkward fit for a dedicated console with a full array of buttons and sticks.

This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:


1. Celeste
2. Vs. Super Mario Bros.
3. Overcooked: Special Edition
4. Stardew Valley
5. Darkest Dungeon
6. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
7. Rocket League
8. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition
9. Zelda: Breath of the Wild
10. Super Mario Odyssey
11. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
12. NBA Playgrounds: Enhanced Edition
13. The Escapists 2
14. Earth Wars
15. Doom
16. Sonic Mania
17. ARMS
18. 1-2 Switch
19. Splatoon 2
20. Enter the Gungeon

Source: Switch eShop


A few new games out came out this week on the various eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

The team behind Floor Kids isn’t done updating the game. In a new tweet published today, some new content was teased.

The first thing we can look forward to is Infinity Mode, which appears to be a practice mode of sorts. Video capture will also be supported so that players can record 30-second clips.

Here’s a look at Infinity Mode:


Streets of Red

Streets of Red is making its way soon to Switch, Secret Base has revealed. A release is planned for February 27.

Secret Base says Streets of Red is “a permadeath multiplayer horror beat’em up that bestows players with the skills of retro gaming heroes in a fight against a legion of undead monstrosities.” The game has “an arcade-style currency system, tribute-parodies to classic horror and videogame characters, and an ever-evolving level structure that makes every run a new experience.”

Find additional information and a teaser for Streets of Red below.

Tequilla Works has confirmed that a new update has gone live for The Sexy Brutale on Switch. In both North America and Europe, version 1.3.0 has started distribution.

We don’t have any patch notes at present, but we would guess that the new patch improves performance. We’ll report back with any concrete findings.


Next week, Bigben Interactive will be putting Premium Pool Arena. The European eShop shows a release date of February 6.

Premium Pool Arena is pool as we know it, with “different game modes and ultra-intuitive gameplay.” You can play traditional 8-ball, participate in tournaments against stronger and stronger opponents, and unlock different cues with your victories.

Premium Pool Arena will cost £8.89.


Puzzle Puppers is heading to Switch, Cardboard Keep has announced. A release is planned for February 20.

Puzzle Puppers is about stretching cute dogs to their food bowls. Using deceptively simple mechanics, you’ll take on some progressively trickier puzzles.

Continue on below for more details and a trailer for Puzzle Puppers.

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