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Switch eShop

Teyon has just announced that Tallowmere, a 2D platformer which was originally released on the Wii U last year, is coming to the Switch. It’ll be available on the European and North American Switch eShop next week, on November 9th. Check out the trailer for the game:

Footage has emerged from the release version of Super Beat Sports, which is out tomorrow on the Switch eShop. View the gameplay below.

The Mummy Demastered has its first update from WayForward. Version 1.0.1 went live earlier today. Along with improvements in overall performance, the studio has implemented bug fixes as well.


As we mentioned earlier today, a demo for Super Beat Sports has gone live on the Japanese Switch eShop. Have a look at some footage below.

Super Beat Sports is out tomorrow on Switch in North America and Europe. But in Japan, it’s already available. It’s also gotten a demo.

The Super Beat Sports demo lets you try out a variety of the included games – and English is also supported. In case you’re curious, the download is 859MB.

Source: Switch eShop

To celebrate the one-year anniversary of Owlboy, D-Pad prepared a special video presentation with announcements. Among what was shared, we can now say that the game is coming to Switch on February 13.

A physical version of Owlboy was announced earlier today, with further details coming later. It’s unclear if this will be extended to Switch, but it would seem likely.

You can watch the full “D-Pad Bonanza” video below.

Off-screen footage of Unruly Heroes and Super Meat Boy Forever is in from Paris Games Week. Both videos are included below.

The North American Switch eShop listed Cat Quest for November 10. Thankfully, that release date was spot on. PQube and The Gentlebros have officially confirmed the November 10 release date.

We have a ton of additional information about Cat Quest and a trailer below.

SteamWorld Dig 2

Kotaku caught up with Image & Form CEO Brjann Siegurgeirsson for a look back on the original SteamWorld Dig as well as its sequel. While speaking with the site, Siegurgeirsson revealed that the first game has sold over one million copies collectively.

One reason that SteamWorld Dig did so well is Nintendo’s promotion of the game. Siegurgeirsson spoke about how having it featured in a Nintendo Direct a few years ago boosted visibility:

Box Hedge Games has pulled back the curtain on an interesting-looking project lined up for Nintendo platforms. The developer is currently planning Super Mighty Power Man for both Switch and 3DS.

Super Mighty Power Man is a 2D action-platformer that takes some clear inspiration from Mega Man. Other prominent games and series like Castlevania, Duck Tales, Kirby, Super Mario Bros., and Shovel Knight also served as reference points. The team itself joined together in 2016 with co-founders Alessandro Di Meco and David Richier having previously contributed to games such as Test Drive Unlimited, Kinect Disneyland Adventure, and Assassin’s Creed.

We’re aware that Box Hedge is working on a Kickstarter for Super Mighty Power Man. We’ve reached out to the studio to clarify how that campaign will impact development, if at all.

Find more information about Super Mighty Power Man below, along with a couple of additional screenshots.

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