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Switch eShop

A new trailer for The End is Nigh has been published showing off gameplay in-depth. You can view it below, and you can also read a blog post about the game here.

Hyper Light Drifter

During the early days of Hyper Light Drifter, Wii U was targeted as one of the game’s platforms. But sadly, that version was eventually cancelled due to technical issues.

A release of Hyper Light Drifter on Nintendo platforms seemed to have been ruled out. However, since the big N has a new, more powerful console on the market, Heart Machine is now “looking into” Switch.

Creator Alex Preston told one fan on Twitter:


Beach Buggy Racing is making its way soon to Switch, according to the European eShop. It could be arriving as early as next week based on a listing from the store.

Beach Buggy Racing is a kart racer that previously came out on other platforms. It features six game modes, fifteen tracks, various power-ups, and more.

We could be seeing Beach Buggy Racing in Europe on July 27 assuming the eShop listing is accurate, and likely in North America soon as well. Find a bunch of game details and a trailer below.

Yesterday, a listing for Infinite Minigolf appeared on the European Switch eShop with a release date of July 24. It seems to have been off, though only slightly.

Zen Studios has now announced that Infinite Minigolf officially launches on July 25. Better yet, cross-platform user created course sharing is confirmed. If a course is created and shared via Steam, the same course can be shared with players on Switch, PS4, and Xbox One (and vise versa).

Source: Zen Studios PR

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

DiRT 4 (PS4/XBO) – 9/8/8/8
Utsusemi no Mawari (PSV) – 8/8/8/8
I and Me (NSW) – 8/8/7/7
Implosion: Never Lose Hope (NSW) – 7/8/7/8
Kirby’s Blowout Blast (3DS) – 7/8/7/8
Typoman: Revised (PS4) – 7/7/8/8
Cursed Castilla (3DS) – 7/8/7/7
Wagamama High Spec (PSV) – 7/7/7/7
LOUD on Planet X (PS4) – 6/6/7/6

Infinite Minigolf was originally planned for spring. We’re passed that point, but it looks like we won’t have to wait much longer for Zen Studios’ first Switch game.

According to a European eShop listing, Infinite Minigolf is scheduled for July 24. We would anticipate it launching around the same time in North America, assuming the eShop page is accurate.

Here’s a look at the Infinite Minigolf trailer from May:

Source: Switch eShop

Qbics Paint, first made known at the end of May, could have a release date. Nintendo’s website lists the game for July 27 on the Switch eShop. It will cost $4.99.

Note that this date is not 100% final. Abylight may make the release date official within the next week or so.

In the meantime, here’s everything you need to know about Qbics Paint:

The European Switch eShop now has a listing up for Phantom Trigger. If what’s mentioned is correct, the game will be releasing on July 27. Pricing will be set at €14.99 / £13.49.

Here’s an overview:

Stan is losing control. The phantom realm brings arcade hexes into a pulsing neon reality, where demons fight in packs and use every trick they have to break your defense. Throw spells and traps mid-combo, ride the edge of control and chaos in this fresh take on action combat. You are your own worst enemy in Phantom Trigger.

tinyBuild shared a video last night showing Phantom Trigger running on Switch. You can find that right here.

Source: Switch eShop

tinyBuild posted a new video showing Phantom Trigger running on Switch. Take a look at it below.

Springloaded has unveiled Ultra Hyperball, the studio’s first title for Switch. The “frantic party game” will offer various modes, including a single-player story mode and multiplayer with up to four people. Touch controls and motion controls will be supported.

Ultra Hyperball doesn’t have a release date, but it’s coming soon. You can watch a trailer for the game below.

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