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Switch eShop

Best Friend Forever

A new update has been announced for Best Friend Forever that squashes a few bugs. Here are the full patch notes:

A number of new deals are up and running on the North American Switch eShop. These include BlazBlue, Guacamelee, Guilty Gear, Overwatch, The Legend of Heroes, TowerFall, Ys VIII, and more.

Here are the full highlights:


Over in Japan, Valkyria Chronicles has been announced as the next Game Trial for Nintendo Switch Online. It can be played for free with a subscription between July 5 and July 11. Per usual, all progress transfers to the full version.

Valkyria Chronicles will also have a discount on the Japanese Switch eShop. That game, along with Valkyria Chronicles 4, will be available for 33 percent off between July 5 and July 18.


Atomicrops Doom and Bloom update

A new Doom and Bloom update has gone live for Atomicrops. On Switch, the game has gone up to version 1.1.2.

There’s a whole lot new for players here between a new location, dozens of new upgrades, a new tractor, and much more. Continue on below for the full patch notes.

Curse of the Dead Gods

A new Curse of the Dead Gods update recently went out on Switch. Focus Home Interactive, along with Passtech Games, are now distributing version

The new update contains a few different fixes. For the full patch notes, continue on below.

Revolver and Co

Chequered Ink’s trivia game Revolver and Co will appear on Switch next week, the developer has announced. A release is planned for July 2.

Here’s some information about the title as well as a trailer:

Alphadia Genesis 2

Kemco and Exe Create are bringing Alphadia Genesis 2 to Switch next week, an eShop listing reveals. The RPG is planned for a July 1 release.

Here’s an overview of the game, along with a trailer:

Arcade Archives Seicross

During a live stream this week, Famitsu offered up a look at the latest Arcade Archives games on Switch, Seicross and Samurai-Fighter Shingen. Footage of both can be seen in the video below.

Arcade Archives Seicross and Arcade Archives Samurai-Fighter Shingen are both out now on the Switch eShop.

Sky: Children of the Light

Listings on the eShops provide file sizes for a bunch of Switch games. These include The Silver Case 2425, Sky: Children of the Light, Bustafellows, and more.

Here’s the full roundup:


Cyber Hook

Cyber Hook, a 3D platformer from Graffiti Games and Blazing Stick, landed on Switch this week. Take a look at some footage below.

Cyber Hook is up now on the Switch eShop. Be sure to check out our previous coverage here for further details and a trailer.

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