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Wii U eShop

– Games supporting the Classic Controller can also be played using the GamePad controller
– Mario Galaxy 2 available today
– Punch-Out!! on January 29
– Metroid Prime Trilogy on January 29
– Will be available for half price for one week after their release dates
– More Wii titles coming to the eShop


Three new games will be available on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console next week. They are as follows:

Break In (PC Engine, 617 yen)
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (GBA, 702 yen)
Dragon Buster (Famicom, 514 yen)

The games above are hitting the Japanese eShop on January 21.


Those who purchase Citizens of Earth at launch will be able to pick up the game at a discounted price, Atlus has announced.

Here’s the full rundown:

Wii U and 3DS (North America) — Launches Tuesday, Jan. 20
20% discount ($11.99) at launch for one week (through 1/27)

Wii U and 3DS (Europe) — Launches Thursday, Jan. 22
20% discount (€9,59) at launch for one week (through 1/29); people who own either version can buy the other platform at 40% discount; buy one, get the other for €7,19 for one week only (through 1/29)

You can also find another batch of new Citizens of Earth screenshots below.

Source: Atlus PR

For its latest “Deal of the Day”, Best Buy has discounted all eShop cards. You can take advantage of the sale here. Note that prices are valid through today only.

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