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Claws of Furry was originally planned for a January release on Switch. That didn’t happen, but the game is still on the way. Terahard now has it lined up for sometime this spring.

Along with today’s news, a new trailer for Claws of Furry has been released. We have that below along with more information about the game.

Sky Force Reloaded lands on Switch today as a digital download. We’ve gone ahead and posted the official launch trailer below.

Niantic published a new cinematic trailer for Pokemon GO today, as narrated by Stephen Fry. The video offers a look at some of the more recent Pokemon added to the game. Have a look at it below.

New videos are beginning to appear containing footage of Bayonetta 1 and 2 on Switch. A mix of direct-feed and off-screen gameplay can be found below.

Koei Tecmo has published a new trailer for Attack on Titan 2 called “Battle”. As the name implies, this video is all about fighting Titans – using “Buddy Actions” to work together with your squad, capturing Titans, transforming into a Titan yourself and more:

A new trailer for Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story has gone live featuring Veronica. You can check out the video below.

The newest update for ARMS went live earlier today, adding in some new features such as a a gallery. Get a closer look at the update in the video below.


This week, Hamster is bringing Samurai Shodown II to Switch as its latest NeoGeo game. We’ve added in some footage below.

Granzella has published a teaser trailer for its new trading card game Hototogisu Tairan 1553: Ryuuko Aiutsu. View a video for the Switch title below. You can also access the official website here.

With its February 6 release date set, footage is now beginning to surface for Black Hole. Have a look at 10 minutes of gameplay below.

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