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More off-screen footage of Terraria on 3DS is in from Gamescom. This time around, direct-feed sound is available. Watch the video below.

YouTube user “famicomplicated” has another look at Luigi’s Mansion Arcade. More off-screen footage from the game is attached below.

Capcom has published a new web-centric commercial for Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX. We’ve attached it below.

Final Fantasy Explorers

Check out some off-screen footage of the English version of Final Fantasy Explorers with direct feed audio:

NintenDaan has uploaded an extensive look at FAST Racing Neo, showing off a good deal of gameplay. Check it out below:

Onimusha Tactics joined Golden Sun: The Lost Age as one of North America’s Wii U Virtual Console releases on Thursday. Check out some footage from the title below.

Nintendo has a video up showing how its Gamescom 2015 booth came together. Additionally, you can view a few highlight videos after the break.

On Thursday, a demo for Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden made its way to the 3DS eShop. Check out some footage from the download below.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

Golden Sun: The Lost Age finally launched on the North American Wii U eShop this past Thursday. Watch some footage from the GBA game below.

The Wii U version of Mighty No. 9 has been on display at Gamescom 2015 over the past few days. Off-screen footage from the game can be viewed below.

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