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We’ve previously talked about the online features in Fire Emblem Fates, but we hadn’t posted any actual gameplay. You can now see what Internet battles are like in the video below.

The first trailer for Legend of Kay Anniversary is now available. View it below.

Legend of Kay Anniversary launches for Wii U on July 28.

A new episode of Capcom TV was recently held to celebrate the Japanese launch of The Great Ace Attorney. Check out the recording in full below, which contains lots of footage from the game.

Starfall Studios recently showed off some extensive gameplay from the upcoming Wii U title Sneaky Ninja. Due to Twitch auto-play, we’ve psoted the full video after the break.

Wee Man Studios put up a new video of Lifespeed showing additional off-screen footage from the game. Take a look at the video below.

Team Frizz has a new trailer ready for Frizzy, which is coming to the Wii U eShop. View it below.

Mario Tennis was the latest release on the Wii U Virtual Console. There’s an hour of footage to be seen from the classic N64 game below.

Neon Battle landed on the North American Wii U eShop this past Thursday. Take a look at some footage from the title below.

More footage has come in showing Dark Turbo Charge Donkey Kong and Dark Hammer Slam Bowser in Skylanders SuperChargers. Check it out below.

Nintendo added a short video to its YouTube channel today showing off Super Mario Maker’s presence at San Diego Comic-Con 2015. Check it out below.

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