Japanese Splatoon website open
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Nintendo has opened the Japanese website for Splatoon. Go ahead and give it a look here.
You’ll find a mix of old and new screenshots below:
More: Splatoon
Activision has sold over 240 million Skylanders toys
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii, Wii U | 2 Comments
Skylanders has continued to perform well since the original game – Spyro’s Adventure – launched in 2011. Activision confirmed in its financial results today that more than 240 million toys have been sold.
It’s worth mentioning that sales have dipped slightly over the past few years. Activision sold only 20 million toys in 2011, but moved 80 million units in 2012. That number then decreased to 75 million in 2013, and 65 million in 2014.
More: Activision, sales, Skylanders
Another update now live for Miiverse
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 3 Comments
Nintendo has detailed a new update for Miiverse that recently went live.
First, users can now see a preview of the latest comment written on each post when looking at a list of posts. This was previously launched for the web version of Miiverse last month, but has now been implemented in the Wii U and 3DS version as well.
Nintendo also added a feature that finds users with similar interests to you. Such users’ posts are shown in the activity feed.
More: Miiverse
Xenoblade Chronicles X has a full enemy encyclopedia
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 6 Comments
In making the original Xenoblade Chronicles, Monolith Soft wanted to include a full enemy encyclopedia. The team sadly ran out of development time so it wasn’t in the final game.
In new tweets published on the Xenoblade Chronicles X Twitter account by Monolith Soft’s Kojima, it’s confirmed that the RPG will feature an enemy encyclopedia. Players will be able to view 3D models of monsters they encounter, check what drop items they have, and more. Koh Kojima also teased that Xenoblade Chronicles 3D will include this as well.
Xenoblade Chronicles X – Maurice profile
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
A translation has come in for the official character profile of Maurice in Xenoblade Chronicles X. Check it out below.
Maurice is a bureaucrat of the former United States Secretary of Defense, who then became the assistant to the President.
Afterwards, he used his previous position as a way to appoint himself as the chief administrator commissioner of NLA (New Los Angeles) and is now the representative of mankind on the Planet Mira.
Xenoblade Chronicles X art, a look at the character Maurice
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Images, Wii U | 4 Comments
More Splatoon details
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 13 Comments
Another round of Splatoon details have been translated from this week’s issue of Famitsu (thanks StreetsAhead). You’ll find them below.
-The interview is with producer Hisashi Nogami, who is known as the director of every Animal Crossing up to City Folk, and directors Yusuke Amano, who also directed NSMB2, and Tsubasa Sakaguchi, who was a character designer on Twilight Princess and art director on Nintendo Land.
-The Inkling city (where the plaza is) is known as ‘Highcolor/Haikara City’ in Japanese.
-The concept of two teams of four shooting ink in a turf battle has been there since the original prototype, even though the characters where tofu-like blocks at the time.
-They experimented with other team sizes, but found with more than four players felt like they had little effect on battles, and with less than four that they had too much responsibility.
-Killing/attacking opponents online to prevent them from painting ink is just one strategy to win. You get no points or advantage directly from doing so.
-Hero mode uses basically the same controls as online matches, so anyone with difficulty in the can use the hero mode to practice.
-Ideally, you’ll be matched with players of a similar rank to you (based off of experience points earned in matches). If not enough players, they’ll put you with people further away from your rank. If there’s only 8 players, you’ll be matched together.
-While online is focused on just painting the ground, hero mode focuses on using the ink to move forward.
-Amano says he wants you to be able to look at the map on the GamePad and see where needs to be worked on for your team.
-No way to directly communicate with people you’ve been randomly matched with. They will appear post-match in your Plaza, where you can check out their gear, weapons, and comment.
-They picked squids because they were the best at representing the gameplay present in the prototype.
-Music for stages is random. Possible that I’m misunderstanding, but each player will have a different song while playing.
-Music is designed to be the sort that would be popular with the young Inklings involved with the turf battles.
-Rather than making some huge number of stages, they want to create stages that feel different when you use different weapon combinations.
-You don’t earn money for gear in single player for balance reasons. Someone could grind money in hero mode and have their first online match with high level gear.
-In the final stages of development now.
-Aiming for, more or less, a simultaneous worldwide release.
-They plan on supporting the title post-release.
More: details roundup, Famitsu, Splatoon, top
Project CARS “Behind The Stripes” video
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Disney Interactive revenue decreases as Infinity accessory sales decline
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 5 Comments
Disney Interactive is the latest company to have reported its latest financial results.
In the first quarter of the 2015 fiscal year, Disney Interactive’s revenue dropped 5 percent. Operating income increased significantly by 36 percent.
Disney Interactive saw a sales decrease of $19 million from last year to $384 million because of lower than expected sales of Infinity accessories and back catalog. Starter packs did help offset some of the losses, and marketing/per unit costs for Infinity 2.0 were higher.
More: Disney Interactive, sales
Mario Party 10 amiibo bundle up for pre-order at GameStop
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
If you missed out on pre-orders for the Mario Party 10 amiibo on Amazon, you’ll be happy to hear that there is an alternative. GameStop is currently taking pre-orders, and you can reserve a copy right here. There’s no word on how long stock will be available for!