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Wii U

The Hyrule Warriors streams just keep on coming! In addition to the presentation currently being held at this very moment, there will be yet another event on Friday.

Twilight Princess-oriented content is set to be shown, and will feature Yosuke Hayashi and Furusawa Masaki from Koei Tecmo as well as writer Watanabe Hiroshi.

The latest Hyrule Warriors stream will be held at 7:30 AM ET / 4:30 AM PT. You’ll be able to watch it here.

This week’s Famitsu’s most wanted games chart is in. Persona 5, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Final Fantasy XV, Hyrule Warriors, and Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire are all in the top five.

Here’s the full lineup, as chosen by Famitsu readers:

This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. You can find it in full below:


The only Nintendo-related items I spot here are rock candy controllers for Wii U. Definitely one of the worst weeks we’ve seen thus year!

More: ,

This week’s Japanese software sales are as follows:

1. [3DS] Youkai Watch 2 – 180,880 / 1,829,533
2. [3DS] Yoshi’s New Island – 58,285 / NEW
3. [WIU] Mario Kart 8 – 18,129 / 560,487
4. [PSV] Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines – 17,690 / 111,465
5. [PSV] Tokyo New World Record: Operation Abyss – 15,242 / NEW
6. [PSV] Corpse Party: BloodDrive – 13,688 / NEW
7. [3DS] Youkai Watch – 10,620 / 1,218,698
8. [PS3] Under Night In-Birth – 9,171 / NEW
9. [3DS] Taiko no Tatsujin: Don to Katsu no Jikuu Daibouken – 9,080 / 110,558
10. [PS3] Atelier Shallie: Alchemist of the Dusk Sea – 7,432 / 51,177
11. [3DS] Gundam Tri Age SP – 7,110 / 28,634
12. [3DS] Pokemon Art Academy – 5,768 / 75,404
13. [PSV] Freedom Wars – 5,344 / 267,771
14. [3DS] Pokemon X/Y – 5,089 / 4,112,000
15. [PS3] GTA New Price Version – 5,026 / 28,685
16. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 – 4,591 / 3,316,196
17. [PS3] Watch Dogs – 3,684 / 63,269
18. [PS4] FIFA 14 – 3,587 / 71,128
19. [3DS] Mario Kart 7 – 3,346 / 2,355,647
20. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 3,068 / 3,764,042

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

3DS LL – 31,789
Vita – 21,875
Wii U – 9,429
PS3 – 7,175
3DS – 6,656
PS4 – 5,581
Vita TV – 1,767
PSP – 489
Xbox 360 – 122

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

3DS LL – 31,192
Vita – 27,352
Wii U – 8,209
PS3 – 7,389
PS4 – 6,456
3DS – 6,185
Vita TV – 2,249
PSP – 556
Xbox 360 – 129

Mario Kart 8 continues to sell big for Nintendo. Since launch, the Wii U game has moved 2.82 million units. 590,000 units were sold in Japan alone.

Wii U hardware sales are said to have been at around 6.17 million units in May. As such, nearly half of Wii U owners have potentially purchased Mario Kart 8.


More news coming out of Nintendo’s 1st quarter financials, it looks like Captain Toad Treasure Tracker has been delayed to January 2015 in Europe. It looks as if the North American and Japanese releases are still on track for later this year however.

Nintendo’s financials for Q1 2014 have been released (that is, for April – June), here are a look at some of the highlights to come out of that press release:

  • Revenue: 74.70B yen (-8.4% year over year)
  • Opt income: -9.47B yen
  • Net income: -9.92B yen

Hardware + Software Sales

  • Wii U unit sales (hardware): 0.51 million
    Financial year – 0.40 million
    Lifetime to date – 6.68 million
  • Wii U unit sales (software): 4.39 million
    Financial year – 4.39 million
    Lifetime to date – 36.67 million
    * Mario Kart 8 sold 2.82 million copies worldwide in its first month on sale.
  • 3DS unit sales (hardware): 0.82 million
    Financial year – 0.82 million
    Lifetime to date – 44.14 million
  • 3DS unit sales (software): 8.57 million
    Financial year – 8.57 million
    Lifetime to date – 171.49 million
  • Wii unit sales (hardware): 0.09 million
    Financial year: 0.09 million
    Lifetime to date: 101.15 million
  • Wii unit sales (software): 1.60 million
    Financial year: 1.60 million
    Lifetime to date: 896.82 million
  • DS unit sales (hardware): 0.06 million
    Financial year: 0.13 million
    Lifetime to date: 153.99 million
  • DS unit sales (software): 2.15 million
  • Financial year: 10.29 million
    Lifetime to date: 938.93 million

Financial Year 2014/2015 Forecast

  • 3DS hardware – 12 million
    3DS software – 67 million
  • Wii U hardware – 3.6 million
    Wii U software – 20 million
  • Wii hardware – 0.5 million
    Wii software – 9 million

For a look at how these numbers compare to previous quarters, check out this thread

Everything about today’s screenshot is just downright creepy. Sakurai details a Galaga inspired item that will make an appearance in the game:

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