– Surprise game for launch unlikely
– Launch-day games will be comprised of some selection of games shown at the 3DS preview event in New York
– Launch games possibilities are around 15 titles
– Kid Icarus: Uprising is not a launch window game
– Power cord will be longer than what was shown in Japan
– Bill Trinen on region locking: “One of the primary driving factors for that has to do with parental controls. Different regions have different ratings systems. The region-locking allows us to provide the different parental controls to deal with the ratings in each territory.”
– Trinen providing a multi-tasking example: “Specifically for an example with Zelda, if you’re stuck in the water temple and you’re trying to figure out where the last of the switches are that you have to hit to draw the water level down and get all the way down to the boss, you can immediately hit the home button, bring up the browser, go to whatever tip site you want to go to, figure out where that is, then switch over to the game notes, draw a map on your screen to refer to or go right back into the game.”
– Use the play coins you earn by walking to unlock game content/features in pre-installed apps
– Trinen says “the goal is there will be some messaging functions”
– Register around 100 friends
– Pause a game and visit the home menu at almost any time
– See apps running in the background at the top of the touch screen
– Applications: adjust brightness, display toggle for the bigger icons, Game Memos (notepad application), Friends List, Notifications List, and the web browser
– Smiley face icon is Friends List, not Pictochat
– Rep says he isn’t aware of Pictochat being built into the 3DS
– Notifications List collects SpotPass and StreetPass alerts
– Screen Brightness button: 5 settings
– Powersaving mode
– Up to 64 applications on the home menu
1. [NDS] Pokemon Black/White (Pokemon) – 4,914,813
2. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (Capcom) – 3,480,989
3. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo) – 1,599,845 / 4,084,995
4. [WII] Wii Party (Nintendo) – 1,539,228
5. [NDS] Dragon Quest VI (Square Enix) – 1,297,344
6. [NDS] Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 (Square Enix) – 1,276,303
7. [NDS] Tomodachi Collection (Nintendo) – 1,196,148 / 3,508,096
8. [WII] Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo) – 900,539
9. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 3 Spark/Bomber (Level 5) – 890,440
10. [WII] Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo) – 849,664 / 2,148,197
– Level up figurines that you have collected
– Figurines can unlock the ability to increase battle statistics and acquire advanced character figurines
– 500 figurines to collect
– Create “battle teams”
– “Standard” and “Light Mode” controls
– Standard: use one of four touch pads to map certain button combinations
– Light Mode: map entire specials or hyper combos to the screen
– Match-making option available to fight players using the same options as you
Mario Sports Mix – 8.0 (Wii)
Plants Vs. Zombies – 9.0 (DS)
Worms: Battle Islands – 7.0 (Wii)
ATV Wild Ride – 7.0 (DS)
Naruto Shippuden: Shinobi Rumble – 6.0 (DS)
Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!