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1. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII
2. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii
3. [DS] Tomodachi Collection
4. [DS] Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver
5. [WII] Wii Fit Plus
6. [DS] Inazuma Eleven 2 Fire/Blizzard
7. [WII] PokePark Wii: Pikachu’s Great Adventure
8. [DS] Professor Layton and the Devil’s Flute
9. [WII] Wii Sports Resort

10. [PSP] Queen’s Blade: Spiral Chaos

An interesting event has been taking place on Facebook over the last few days. More than 271,000 users have changed their pictures to their favorite Pokemon in support of Donte Larry, who started the idea. Craig Fischer created his own group and went as far as to say that December is National “Make Your Profile Picture a Pokemon” Month. While there are only a few days left in December, you can join in on the fun by checking out the Facebook group here as well as the Facebook event here.

Thanks to Jason L for the news tip!


All of this information comes from Steve Papoutsis, who is the producer of Dead Space Extraction…

“The Dead Space Fiction is massive, I mean super duper deep. There are tons of areas to explore in the time frame before Extraction. We hint at some of the stuff in the past in Extraction *SPOILER* specifically the mysterious resource wars. So there is a lot to pull from. Not to mention the discovery of the original Black Marker.” – Steve Papoutsis, Dead Space Extraction producer

“Visceral Games and EA are both very proud of Extraction. We set out to create a high quality Wii game and we feel we nailed just that. Everyone that has seen or played Extraction at the company has high praise for the quality of the game. The team are very proud of what we were able to accomplish with Extraction.”

“I think it is very possible to port the original game. The biggest thing would be making the right compromises and having enough time to do justice to the original. Just to remind everyone another certain Survival Horror game that was ported to the Wii took almost 6 years of development before showing up on that system. So it’s not as easy as flipping a switch to make those types of things happen. Even when you are starting out with a game that runs on very similar hardware to begin with.”

Something tells me that we won’t see another Dead Space game on Wii. Well, not for awhile at least. The game has gotten off to a very slow start in the U.S. in terms of sales, but I’m hoping it’ll continue to sell over time. But for now, I don’t see EA taking another gamble with a Dead Space game on Wii.


Famitsu review scores

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Avatar: The Game (PS3/360) – 8/8/8/7
F1 2009 (Wii) – 8/7/7/7
F1 2009 (PSP) – 7/8/6/8
Avatar: The Game (DS): 6/7/7/7

Reviews of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers have been fairly mixed up to this point, but that shouldn’t stop you from purchasing the game if you’re truly interested. The ship date is set for the 26th in North America, but if you want to get a copy early, head over to your local GameStop. One reader has informed us that he was able to buy the title even though it was stocked behind the counter. Right now, this seems to apply only to GameStop only. But yes – You can pick up the game a few days early if you want!

Thanks to Ryan B for the news tip!

Dark Void Zero trailer

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News | 2 Comments

Sunnyvale, CA – December 22, 2009 – Gamelion revealed today new screenshots for Furry Legends for Nintendo WiiWare service, the physics-based 3D puzzle-platformer game, scheduled for world-wide launch during first half of 2010.

About Furry Legends

In “Furry Legends” players take control of characters who are best described as a furry ball. “Furry Legends” will feature a couple of unique characters, each with its unique powers, allowing the player to perform various moves depending on the character selected. Players will be able to roll, jump, bounce, attack and perform other various moves with their spherical character. Gamelion aims to please both casual and hardcore crowds, with easy to pick up and hard to master gameplay, as well as brilliant, full 3D graphics packed with detail and a healthy dose of humor. The game features controls taking advantage of the Wii Remote as well as a robust physics system, which will be used to solve different puzzles player might roll into.
Key features

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