Update live for Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden and One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum cross-play
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 5 Comments
Back in September, it was revealed that Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden and One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum would be receiving special updates to allow for cross-play. We can now say this is now available for the two games.
After applying the update, Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden and One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum players can battle against each other. Online and local play are both supported.
One important note: Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden players can only choose characters from the Dragon Ball series, and vice versa for One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum.
View a trailer for the new cross-play feature in Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden and One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum below.
Kunio-kun Nekketsu: Complete Famicom Compilation launches December 8th in Japan
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Today, Arc System Works announced the Japanese release date for Kunio-kun Nekketsu: Complete Famicom Compilation: December 8th. If you buy the game at launch, you also get a total of six 3DS themes, each of which is based on one game from the collection.
Here’s the latest trailer:
River City: Tokyo Rumble with keychain restock expected around the second week of November
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Natsume sold out of its River City: Tokyo Rumble stock soon after launch. This was the special version of the game that includes the keychain.
Thankfully, it won’t be much longer until Natsume has more units available. The company recently wrote on its forums that a restock is expected around the second week in November. We’ll let you know when we see it return.
[Review] Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~
Posted on 8 years ago by Jakob Vujovic(@jakovujo) in 3DS eShop, Reviews | 2 Comments
System: 3DS (eShop)
Release date: October 13, 2016
Developer: Arc System Works
Publisher Aksys Games
As the brief opening movie explains, a cold case is when the trail of evidence in a crime investigation has gone cold. Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~, aside from having a mouthful of a title, is a visual novel following two detectives working in the Tokyo Police Department. The setup is that the case of a five year old murder deemed an accident is reopened after an anonymous phone call to the Cold Case Unit.
Chase: Cold Case Investigations file size
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Chase: Cold Case Investigations is making its way to the 3DS eShop tomorrow in the west. To download the game, you’ll need 1,628 blocks of free space. That amounts to 203.5 MB.
Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ trailer
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments
An English trailer is online for Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~, one of this week’s eShop releases. We’ve posted it below.
New trailer for Kunio-kun Nekketsu: Complete Famicom Compilation; website open
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News, Videos | 2 Comments
Arc System Works has released a trailer for Kunio-kun Nekketsu: Complete Famicom Compilation for 3DS, which, as the name implies, is a compilation of all 11 Kunio-kun games released on the Famicom in Japan. The game has not yet been announced for release outside Japan. Nonetheless, you can check out the official Japanese website here and watch the new trailer below:
Natsume on parterning with Arc System Works for River City: Tokyo Rumble, open to more series localizations
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
It was due to Natsume’s relationship with Arc System Works that River City: Tokyo Rumble was able to head west. That game originally came to Japan a few years ago, but Natsume was finally able to publish it in English at the end of last month.
Speaking about the partnership with Arc System Works and how River City: Tokyo Rumble came to be overseas, Natsu,e producer Taka Maekawa told Siliconera:
“Our partnership with Arc System Works started almost a year and a half ago through a good friend of mine in Japan. It all started with Gotcha Racing and Brave Tank Hero for the Nintendo 3DS, then continued with Super Strike Beach Volleyball and River City: Tokyo Rumble this year. With River City, I contacted Arc System Works as soon as I saw the news that Million’s title rights (who were the right holders of Tecnos Japan titles) had been transferred to Arc System Works.”
Siliconera also asked if Natsume would be open to localizing more River City games, such as the medieval spinoff for 3DS and River City Ransom SP. To this, Maekawa said:
“Of course! We are definitely open for any opportunities with other titles in the Kunio series!”
Natsume on how it approached River City: Tokyo Rumble’s localization, choosing the subtitle
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Natsume recently published River City: Tokyo Rumble, the localized version of Arc System Works’ Japanese 3DS release. TinyCartridge spoke with US producer Taka Maekawa about the western edition.
Regarding Natsume’s approach to localization, Maekawa explained:
“A lot of factors went into how we approached the localization. Times have changed – in the 1980s, games were still being strictly Americanized when brought over to a Western audience. So when the NES game came out, the idea of putting Kunio and Riki into t-shirts and jeans and giving them English names (Alex and Ryan) made a lot of sense.”
“We approached most things situationally; did it make sense to retain the original translation, or go in a new direction? For example, the game heavily relies on its environment (Tokyo) to set the story’s theme and tone, and we wanted to retain that theme. So we decided to maintain Japanese names whenever it made sense to do so – being set in Tokyo, with many of the characters wearing their school uniforms, Japanese character names and locations made the most sense.”
Natsume kept the “River City” name in place to tie it into the American version of the series. However, the game’s primary action is in Tokyo, which is where the “Tokyo Rumble” subtitle comes in. The team explored other potential subtitles such as Bad Blood, Tokyo Brawl, Street Gangs, The Lion Alliance, along with “a few other combinations of word soup before we hit upon Tokyo Rumble and it stuck.”
A look at the Kunio-kun Nekketsu: Complete Famicom Compilation boxart, screenshots
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images, Screenshots | 0 comments
A listing on HMV provides us with a look at the Kunio-kun Nekketsu: Complete Famicom Compilation boxart. It’s not in the actual 3DS packaging, but that’s what the final packaging should be.
HMV also posted some screenshots from Kunio-kun Nekketsu: Complete Famicom Compilation 10316. We’ve rounded them up below.