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Bandai Namco

Digimon Survive

A number of screenshots have surfaced for Digimon Survive, which arrives on Switch in 2020. Find all of today’s images in the gallery below.


The next update for God Eater 3 is coming very soon. Version 2.30, which features more background music for the jukebox, an additional episode, and more, is slated for January 16, 2020.

Here are the full details, courtesy of Gematsu

Bandai Namco released a whopping six new character trailers for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 today. They show off Tashigi, Chopper, Nico Robin, Franky, Brook and Smoker:

Bandai Namco is continuing its support for Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission with another update. Announced today, players can look forward to move content on January 9, 2020.

Next month’s update features five new missions and 17 new cards. A trio of battle modules and accessories are also included.

At Jump Festa 2020 today, the latest footage from One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 that gives a look at the Enemies Lobby section of the game. Check it out below.

Bandai Namco has kicked off a new 2019 Winter Sale on the Switch eShop. Discounts are similar to the publisher’s Black Friday sale, but we do see some changes such as the addition of Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition.

Here’s the full lineup of sales:

Bandai Namco released a total of seven new trailers for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 today, introducing the core members of the Straw Hats: Nami, Zoro, Sanji and Usopp. The latter three will appear in the game in both their New World and pre-timeskip forms, while it seems that Nami will only be playable in her New World form:

Ahead of its March 2020 release in the west, Acttil has released the first English trailer for Billion Road. We have it below.

Bandai Namco has put out a commercial for the new Switch commercial for Super Robot Wars X, which is due out next month. Check it out below.

Out this Spring in Japan, Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for Kotoba no Puzzle: Moji Pittan Encore, its enhanced version of the arcade puzzle game for Switch. This entry is based on the Wii title Kotoba no Puzzle: Moji Pittan Wii Deluxe and includes over 800 new levels as well as the inclusion of new words that didn’t exist at the time, like “Reiwa” for the new Reiwa Era. Take a look at the trailer here:


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