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Over at the prestigious Tokyo Game Show, tons of games both upcoming and newly revealed are being shown off on the floor. One of the games being demoed is Capcom’s Monster Hunter Stories, the new spinoff title of their successful Monster Hunter series. Monster Hunter Stories gives the series a brand new beautiful art style but still has that great Monster Hunter gameplay we all love. Take a look at some off-screen footage of the game below!



Capcom has shared new images pertaining to Monster Hunter X. Above are two images of 3DS themes, which are included with pre-orders in Japan. We also have screenshots in the gallery below showing the Nyanter Mode (play as a Felyne).

Capcom has prepared two new Monster Hunter Stories trailers for TGS 2015. Both can be found below.

It was just a short while ago that we found out about plans for an Ace Attorney anime in Japan. As it turns out, that’s not the only Capcom IP with a show on the way.

During a stage show at the Tokyo Game Show, it was announced that Monster Hunter Stories will be receiving an anime. The program will be shown on Fuji TV starting next year.


At the Tokyo Game Show today, Capcom unveiled a new feature for Monster Hunter X. In the game, you’ll be able to play as a Felyne.

This functionality is made possible thanks to a new “Nyanter Mode”. You can gather, explore, and fight monsters just like hunters, but as a Felyne.

Source, Via

An anime based on Capcom’s Ace Attorney series was just announced at the Tokyo Game Show. Along with the news, it was confirmed that the show will kick off in Japan in April 2016. More details will be provided in the months ahead.


In celebration of the 2015 Tokyo Game Show, Capcom has posted the second official trailer for Monster Hunter X. Be sure to give it a look below.

Famitsu has posted more screenshots from Monster Hunter Stories. View them in the gallery below.


Capcom has released the first Ace Attorney 6 trailer in celebration of the 2015 Tokyo Game Show. We’ve posted it below.

Capcom has uploaded a new 26-minute Monster Hunter X video. We’ve attached it below.

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