Capcom animates monsters in the Monster Hunter games by hand
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 2 Comments
Did you know that the monsters in Capcom’s Monster Hunter games feature animations that are done by hand? The only exceptions are certain cut-scenes where a small amount of motion capture is involved.. But for the most part, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate director Kaname Fujioka informed Siliconera that “animators create monsters’ motions by hand as it requires more careful craftsmanship as they talk with the game designers.”
He said:
“For cutscenes, there are cases where we utilize motion capture techniques for monsters which might have similar skeletal structure to human beings such as the Palicoes. However, in most cases, our animators create monsters’ motions by hand as it requires more careful craftsmanship as they talk with the game designers. It’s very important that the motion and the game mechanics are properly intertwined for the gameplay. When we try to showcase a monster’s personality and expressions, we reference frameworks from real life beings and habitats to make them believable. We visit zoos and aquariums and also watch documentary films for reference material.”
It’s necessary for Capcom to nail the animation of monsters since the series is about pattern recognition. The way monsters react give players clues about how they should proceed.
“It’s important for us that players understand what kind of tactics they need to use. We give clues to players on how a monster may act based on its various expressions, and emotional and behavioural states (such as alarmed, enraged, exhausted, etc.) We plan for the monster’s behaviour first, so we keep in mind things such as distance between the player and the monster, logic behind the monster’s behaviours, and so on.”
More: Capcom, interview, Kaname Fujioka
Capcom financial results: revenue down, net income up
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 3 Comments
Capcom posted its nine-month financial results today for the period ended December 31, 2014.
The company’s revenue decreased by 36 percent to ¥47.8 billion even with decent sales from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. One bright spot is that Capcom’s operating income rose by nearly 10 percent to ¥6.5 billion.
Specifically regarding Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Capcom says they were “largely in line with the plan”.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate “Become the Ultimate Hunter” promo
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
More: Capcom, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate localization team proposed some options that made it into the final game
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Over the past few months, it’s been made clear that the localization team behind Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate had a fairly notable impact on the game’s release. Little suggestions were proposed here and there to improve the overall experience.
Capcom detailed some of these in a new localization blog post today. Thanks to suggestions proposed from the overseas side of the company, we get to see things like the “Instant” text speed, the ability to toggle your partner’s Palico conversation on and off during multiplayer, and the option to turn off a portion of the tutorial messages.
Before we start talking about monsters, I want to write about a couple of nifty features that were introduced into the Japanese version of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and of course, are intact for the Western version. The first is an option to change the dialogue text speed from Normal to Instant. If you’ve played a Monster Hunter game before, you know that the text displays one letter at a time and while some players are okay with this, some players are pretty quick readers, so switching the option to Instant will display the dialogue all at once, allowing you to get through the conversation quickly.