Metroid Prime: Federation Force details recap
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 12 Comments
– 4-player co-op first-person shooter
– Takes place in the Metroid Prime universe
– Local and online multiplayer
– Need 4-player squads to complete different kinds of missions
– Different mission objectives
– Ex: try to capture certain kinds of creatures
– Before going into a mission, you’ll sit through a briefing
– As part of your mission prep, you can select different kinds of items and weapons to take into combat
– These range from Repair Capsules to Shield Generators to Missiles to Slow Beams
– Items/weapons have different purposes
– Depending on what kind of weapons you carry, it will change your role in the party
– You’ll then hop into a mech and tackle your mission
– Aim with the 3DS’ gyroscope
– Blast Ball comes in addition to co-op
– Blast Ball: 3-on-3 sci-fi sport mode
– In Blast Ball, players shoot a ball into the opponent’s goal to score
– Throughout the match, players can gain a competitive edge by collecting and using a variety of individual power-ups, such as barriers, or power-ups that speed you up, or let you eject opponents out of their mechs
– Blast Ball matches end after a team scores 3 goals
– Blast Ball supports 3DS Download Play.
– Out sometime next year
The Great Ace Attorney – Barok van Zieks details
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Capcom’s most recent video for The Great Ace Attorney introduced Barok van Zieks. Information translated by Siliconera sheds new like on the game’s prosecutor. Read up on the details below.
– Goes head-to-head against Ryunosuke in the game
– Known as the “Death God” of Old Bailey, the Central Criminal Court of England
– Given that name because nobody stands after facing him in a trial
– He also has been given a dark image
– Series creator Shu Takumi explains that at the time, the Western judicial system was at the top of the world, and London shined the brightest
– However, where there’s light, there’s always darkness, and that’s where you find Baroque Vanzieks
– Takumi says that we’ve seen all kinds of different prosecutors thus far, and Baroque is one they created while coming up with his background first
– The team wanted to give him a dark vibe,
– Also wanted to give him the vibe you’d get from a “death god”
– He also has some dynamic and fierce animations to go with his undefeated record streak
More: Capcom, details roundup, Japan, The Great Ace Attorney
The Great Ace Attorney – Susato details
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
One of the most recent videos for The Great Ace Attorney had series creator Shu Takumi talking about the heroine, Susato Mikotoba. Details translated from the video are posted below (thanks Siliconera).
– Susato travels alongside Ryunosuke in his voyage to the United Kingdom
– Susato’s name was made from letters that Takumi felt were pretty, as he aligned them together
– She meets the requirements of being what’s called a “legal affairs girl”
– This is essentially a position that helps out attorneys
– Susato likes mystery novels, including stories with Sherlock Holmes
– She’s an informative lady since she’s big on reading
– Susato will often help out with useful information, and will occasionally say some strange but interesting quotes
– She also has a bit of a sweet tooth
– Susato’s design was made with a graceful Japanese woman as the main focus
– Seemed fitting to have her in a kimono given the time period
– Takumi had different kinds of ideas such as make her look like this, and have her holding this or that
– In the end, he decided that her looks would be best kept simple
– At times, she may seem more like an adult compared to Ryunosuke, but that is precisely what makes the two work well together as characters
Tons of Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice details
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 3 Comments
USgamer published a new article with a whole bunch of details about the just-announced Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice. You can find the information rounded up below, and the full piece here.
– Game is being tightened up compared to last year’s release
Sega producer Omar Woodley:
“We launched Sonic Boom as a new franchise last year with Shattered Crystal, at the same time as a new animated series that airs on Cartoon Network. Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice is the next episode in conjunction with the animated series.”
“We’re developing the game with Sanzaru Games, who also did Shattered Crystal. We think that they grasp the concept of Sonic, and what makes him unique. They also got on board with Sonic being more exploratory and having more adventure instead of that classic arcadey feel of gameplay. That’s not to say we distance ourselves from that – there is quite a bit of speed in the new game, and quite a bit of the same nostalgia that’s familiar, but new. But in a nutshell, this is a new franchise.”
“A lot of the characters are shared between the series and the game. Sticks is the new character – she’s a jungle badger. She’s a bit of a hermit, but she befriends Sonic and Amy, and they help to bring her out of her shell. She’s very shy and a bit neurotic, and thinks everyone is out to kill her. But she’s a cool character who’s very different to the other Sonic characters.”
– 2.5D platformer
– Exploration toned down
– More speed compared to the last game on 3DS
– Cut back on the length and size of levels
– There is now a linear path
“So we’ve dialed down the length and the size of the levels and cut a linear path through the middle. The exploration now happens above and below it. So now you can have that classic experience of running through the level at high speed if you want, but now you can also explore too.”
– Lots of collectibles
– These are tied up in the exploration aspect
– Collectibles unlock things like characters and bonuses
– 7 islands
– 6 are exploration-based and feature 4 levels plus 2 bonus stages
– Seventh island is Thunder Island
– Thunder Island is a 2-player local-play option that is based on a race between Eggman’s bots
“Basically, Eggman has found a new element called Ragnium, which he melts down and combusts as fuel. These bots, which are henchmen in the animated series, have been brought into this game as rival racers. Eggman’s goal is to humiliate Sonic by making bots that are faster than him. Of course that whole plot fails… but to do that you need to beat all the bots in the game to prove Eggman is wrong – there’s one on each island. As you progress, you unlock character bots that can then be used to race your friends in local play on the crazy courses we’ve designed.”
“The main story follows a henchman called Defect. He’s been designed by Eggman to find Ragnium and mine it. He has these eco magnets that are supposed to enable him to raise it out of the ground. However, when Eggman turns him on, it totally fails – which is why he’s called Defect. However, it turns out that he can magnetize everything other than Ragnium, so he begins to use his powers to build himself up so he can beat Sonic. Also, part of the storyline is that as Eggman collects Ragnium, he’s polluting the environment. So part of the game is restoring the environment – which is an homage to the original Sonic games.”
Latest Fire Emblem If details, including another set of new characters
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 5 Comments
This week’s Famitsu has yet another feature on Fire Emblem If. We’re introduced to more characters, along with details about some other aspects of the game.
Here’s what we know about thus far:
Pieri (Cavalier) [Nohr]
– Subordinate to Nohr’s Prince Marx
– Has a peculiar personality where she transforms into a violent alter-ego upon sensing danger on the battlefield
– Personal Skill [Killer Instinct]: if user KOs an enemy with their attack, Strength, Magic, Skill and Speed +4 for one turn
Lazward (Mercenary) [Nohr]
– Likes girls and has a habit of spending his free days picking up women
– Good at dancing and can use it as a special command
– Personal Skill [???]: When used as a command, Strength and Speed +1 to all allies within a 2 tile radius (for one turn)
Odin (Dark Mage) [Nohr]
– A sorcerer who performs daily research into “amazing special moves”
– Easily fired up and in danger of losing control of his power
– Personal Skill [Blood Boil]: When equipped with a forged weapon whose name is written with 8 kanji, critical rate +10.
– Lazward and Odin are “homages” to Inigo and Owain, who are again children characters from Awakening
– Personal Skill [Woman’s True Nature]: When facing a female enemy, Damage +4 and Critical rate +20
– Personal Skill [Intimidate]: Enemies within a 2 tile radius receive Avoid -10
– When Orochi or Zero use their “capture” command to defeat an enemy, that enemy will be sent to the prison
– Captured enemies can then be recruited to your army by successfully scouting them with resources or by persuading them
– Certain enemies like bosses cannot be captured
Famitsu has also shared the following portrait of Zero:

More: details roundup, Famitsu, Fire Emblem If
A few more Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX details
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Earlier this week, Capcom updated the Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX with more details about the game.
The image above provides a look at a new area located under a giant tree. Here, players will be able to interact with baby versions of Monster Hunter creatures. These include baby forms of Yian Kut-Ku, Rathalos, and Seregios.
Capcom is also featuring new Felynes based on characters from Monster Hunter 4, including the Caravaneer, Guildmarm, and “Regios”.
Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village is hitting Japan on September 10.
Famitsu shares more Monster Hunter X details
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
Hot on the heels of the Monster Hunter X announcement over the weekend, Famitsu shares more details about the new 3DS game in its latest issue.
Monster Hunter X features 14 weapon classes. Players will be able to choose from the Great Sword, Long Sword, Sword and Shield, Dual Blades, Lance, Gunlance, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Switch Axe, Charge Blade, Insect Glaive, Bow, Light Bowgun, and Heavy Bowgun.
Monster Hunter X will also include four main monsters, Famitsu states. Capcom is featuring a Brute Wyvern, a Flying Wyvern, a Leviathan, and a Fanged Beast.
Continuing on the topic of numbers, there are four Hunting Styles for all weapons, and you choose one of them. Here’s a breakdown of each:
More: Capcom, details roundup, Japan, Monster Hunter X, top
More details about The Great Ace Attorney – creation of Ryunosuke
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
In Capcom’s latest video for The Great Ace Attorney, director Shu Takumi and producer Shintaro Kojima spoke about the origins of main character Ryunosuke Naruhod. You’ll find a summary of what was shared below, courtesy of Siliconera’s translation.
– Ryunosuke is a university student when the story begins
– He becomes determined to be an attorney after becoming involved with a certain incident
– “Naruhodo” is the Japanese version for “Wright”
– Ryunosuke is the ancestor of Phoenix, and The Great Ace Attorney will tell the tale of how the first attorney of the Wright family came to be, and how it carried on after
– Players will see more traditional garments since the game is set in the Meiji Period of Japan when “defense attorney” was still a new concept
– Initially decided to give Ryunosuke the sharp look of a university student
– This wasn’t an issue, but designing his hairstyle took more time
– Takumi says that he wanted something recognizable from a silhouette
– Given the time period, most people had simple haircuts, and they wouldn’t have wanted to give that to the protagonist
– “Ryunosuke” name was decided on within ten seconds
– As Phoenix’s name in Japanese is “Ryunoichi,” they began writing a list of names they could use, and the very first one was Ryunosuke
– The development team ended up keeping this name until the end
– The concept of Ryunosuke’s character came from the idea of how Phoenix would act and speak if he were living in the Meiji Period
– Since he’s not exactly a proper attorney, you’ll see Ryunosuke display a little nervousness and inexperience, which adds to his character and the setting
More: Capcom, details roundup, Japan, The Great Ace Attorney
The Great Ace Attorney – episode three details, another live stream recording
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Translations of this week’s Famitsu article on The Great Ace Attorney have already come in. Read on below for all of the latest details.
– Called “The Adventure of the Speeding Locked Room”
– Focuses on a murder that took place in a horse-drawn carriage
– Ryuunosuke is drawn into the case upon arriving in London when he’s summoned by the Chief Justice, Hurt Vortex
– Hurt Vortex: strict adherer to science and a man who focuses on time above all else
– Vortex assigns Ryuunosuke to take on the case of a man nobody else will defend
– Vortex mentions that it’s a “simple case”, but there’s a mountain of evidence against the man and a severe penalty if he’s found guilty
– Cosney Megendal is the one on trial
– Cosney Megendal: English gentleman well-known around town for his almost uncannily good disposition
– Megendal is well-liked, though nobody will take on his defense
– This is because legendary prosecutor Barok van Zieks is handling the case
– Ryuunosuke gets dropped into court with hardly any time to prepare
– Baro is a master at presenting evidence at just the right moment to leave an impression on the jury
– New witness: Gina Lestrade
– Gina: a young pickpocket who lives amongst the orphans of London’s East End
– Gina witnessed the case while she was “working”
– As the case develops and even the carriage itself is brought into court, things take a turn for the unexpected when a fire breaks out in the courtroom
Along with the new details regarding The Great Ace Attorney, there’s another live stream recording to watch as well. We’ve attached it below.
More: Capcom, details roundup, Famitsu, Japan, The Great Ace Attorney
Skylanders SuperChargers details
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 0 comments
Prior to Skylanders SuperChargers’ announcement, Activision allowed members of the media to go hands-on with the title. Nintendo World Report has since published its preview with plenty of the details about the game. Find the information summary below, and the full report here.
– Again, big hook here is vehicles
– Same style of gameplay as previous Skylanders
– 20 figures added to the mix
– 8 are new takes on old characters like Stealth Elf
– 20 vehicles
– Each new figure pairs with a vehicle to make them “supercharged”
– This adds more power to their abilities
– Vehicles are split into land, sea, and air categories
– Land segments feature a racing feel
– Take your race car or motorcycle on long stretches of road, drifting around corners and launching off of huge jumps
– In the sea sections, you’ll be gliding across water in speedboats and hovercrafts
– Also dive down beneath the surface to find secret passages and avoid obstacles
– In the air, fly with jet planes and helicopters in gameplay that seems to resemble Star Fox to an extent
– The vehicle figures have wheels, so you can roll them in real life
– One of the sea toys has a propeller that spins
– Most of the new figures have a physical element to them
– Upgrade vehicles with mods
– These are found in hidden treasure chests throughout the game
– Mods change up their stats and gives them a different look
– One mod for a submarine involves a pool toy add-on named Mr. Squeaks that squeaks in game
– Upgrade your vehicle permanently using gear bits
– Gear bits are in each area
– Straightaway and arenas for the vehicle segments with boss fights and secrets
– They can all be played in two-player co-op, though that takes on a Mario Kart: Double Dash style of multiplayer as one player steers while the other fires weapons
– Same Diablo-lite gameplay as previous Skylanders
– Navigate through different worlds, fight enemies, solve puzzles, power up your Skylanders
– Vicarious Visions is trying to have levels with a central gameplay hook
– Ex: one level has clouds that obscures the world around you; clear those clouds so you can solve puzzles and progress
– Another level: shrink ray that grows and shrinks objects, which opens up other puzzle and combat concepts
– One later stage places you on the back of a dragon that alters the environment as he sways back and forth
– All previous figures work with Skylanders SuperChargers
– That includes last year’s Traps
– Traps only add bonuses like upgraded mod boosts and unique Skystones cards
– New twists on popular mini-games
– Livewire Lock: lock-pick mini-game
– Livewire Lock has players charging up the the little lock gremlin guy
– The card games Skystones comes back as Skystones Overdrive, which adds new cards and gameplay mechanics
– Beenox working on the Wii and 3DS versions
– Wii version is a port of the Wii U game
– 3DS version will be an original version
– Wii U Starter Pack comes with Spitfire, Super Shot Stealth Elf, and the vehicle Hot Streak