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Nintendo and Camelot are planning on adding paid downloadable content to Mario Golf: World Tour. As noted in an eShop description for the game, players will be able to “Discover additional paid downloadable courses”. We don’t often see paid DLC from Nintendo, so it’s interesting that they’re taking this approach with Mario Golf.


SEGA ended up creating three different pieces of DLC for Sonic Lost World. We saw content based on Nights, Yoshi, and The Legend of Zelda.

Those who may have been hoping for more Sonic Lost World DLC will be disappointed to hear that there’s nothing else planned. Producer Takashi Iizuka told 4Gamer in a recent interview:

You can see from our design of the DLC introduction page on our official site, we decided from the beginning that we would do three pieces of DLC. We are continuing to make it free, which is a bit difficult for SEGA, since both Yoshi’s Island Zone and The Legend of Zelda Zone were both in collaboration with Nintendo, but SEGA doesn’t have any kind of tradeout from there (note: means this next DLC is not being funded by another source).

Iizuka also mentioned to 4Gamer that for the Zelda DLC, working with Nintendo went smoothly. “We were able to work with so much material in the making of The Legend of Zelda Zone,” he told the site. “I have to say, in making Dodongo’s Cavern into a cylinder-shaped stage, we were all able to easily agree on it.”

As for what lies ahead for Sonic Team, Iizuka said that he’s not in a position to discuss anything at this time.

We’ll have a few more quotes from Iizuka’s interview with 4Gamer within the next couple of days.

When Pure Chess launches on Thursday, players will be able to purchase DLC for individual chess sets and chess game packs.

Pricing for the chess sets is set at €1.19 / £0.99 / $1.65. They are as follows:

  • Halloween Chess Set
  • Easter Island Chess Set
  • Battalion Chess Set

Pure Chess will also offer game chess game packs for €1.99 / £1.59 / $2.69. These are as follows:

  • Roman Game Pack (Roman themed chess set & Roman-inspired environment)
  • Park Game Pack (Park animals themed chess set & leafy park environment)
  • Forest Game Pack (Isle of Lewis chess set & calm forest environment)


Christopher Arnold, president and director of NAMI TENTOU, has hinted at a collaboration with another indie title on the eShop.

Arnold teased on Twitter:

Definitely sounds like something is going on there! We’ll just have to wait and see…


Square Enix has announced Romancing SaGa DLC for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call. Romancing SaGa 3’s “Four Demon Nobles Battle 1” (battle music) and Romancing SaGa’s “Horrible Shadow” (field music) will be offered.

It’s currently unclear how much the DLC will cost. Square Enix has also yet to say when exactly these extra songs will be made available.

Zen Studios is releasing DLC for Star Wars Pinball and CastleStorm on Wii U this week.

Starting on Thursday, players can purchase Star Wars Pinball’s first expansion known as “Balance of the Force”. Pricing is set at $9.99 / €9.99.

Below is the official table lineup for Balance of the Force:

AeternoBlade has received its first round of downloadable content. Players can purchase two items – a swimsuit costume priced at $0.99 as well as an Arena Mode for $1.99. More DLC should be coming to AeternoBlade in the future.


Several months following the game’s launch, Call of Duty: Ghosts players on Wii U can finally pick up a piece of DLC.

“Free Fall”, an extra map offered to users on other platforms as a pre-order bonus, can now be downloaded from the eShop. Activision made the DLC available to Call of Duty: Ghosts owners on other consoles as well today.

Free Fall is completely free to download. If you have the game, you have nothing to lose by downloading it!

CastleStorm: From Outcast to Savior will be available for Wii U starting tomorrow in both North America and Europe, Zen Studios has announced.

From Outcast to Savior offers a brand new Royal Guard faction, new environments, an unlikely Hero, 20 new battles, new weapons, and Skirmish & Survival levels. Players will lead their army into battle in locales such as Stonecrest, The Royal Airport, The Skyship Harbor and the Bladgard Icefields as they attempt to capture the mighty Viking warrior, Chief Ramhorn.

Zen Studios also plans to release The Warrior Queen expansion on Wii U. However, a release date hasn’t been determined at this time.

Source: Zen Studios PR

Nintendo is refunding Wii U owners who have purchased Batman: Arkham Origins’ season pass.

In an official message, Nintendo customer support explained that Warner Bros. has decided against bringing the game’s upcoming story campaign to Wii U. And so season pass owners are receiving refunds for the item – which costs $19.99 (plus tax) – in the form of eShop credit.

You can find Nintendo’s notice in full after the break.

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