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A new Max Raid Battle event has just gone live in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. This time around, there’s a summer theme going.

Seaking, Pinsir, Heracross, Ninjask, Fan Rotom, and Vanilluxe are appearing more frequently in Max Raid Battles. If you’re lucky enough, a Shiny Vanilluxe may appear.

Pokemon Sword/Shield

During the Pokemon Players Cup IV live stream, a code was handed out for a Beast Ball. This particular item is more successful when it comes to capturing Ultra Beasts.

You can claim the Beast Ball in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield by following the steps below:

Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are now hosting a new Max Raid Battle event.

Today’s theme is all about Fossil Pokemon. The likes of Omanyte, Kabuto, and Aerodactyl are more likely to appear. Omanyte also has a shot of showing up if you’re lucky enough.

Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield have started a new distribution that ties in with Japan’s 2020 Decisive Battle tournament. Kōhei Sakurai won the event last year while using a Torkoal, and you can now add it to your team. However, the distribution will end on July 19.

Be sure to follow the steps below to claim Torkoal:

Pokemon Sword/Shield

During the Pokemon Players Cup IV live stream, a code was provided for a Gold Bottle Cap in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. It won’t be available for very long, as it’s set to expire on July 18.

Follow the steps below to claim the Gold Bottle Cap:

Just a few moments ago, the latest Max Raid Battle event began in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield.

There’s a curry theme this time around. Koffing, Wobbuffet, Milcery, Gigantamax Charizard, and Gigantamax Copperajah may appear more frequently. Additionally, a Shiny Gigantamax Copperajah can show up if you’re lucky enough. Defeat a Pokemon in a Max Raid Battle and you’ll receive Bach’s Food Tin in Pokemon Sword or Bob’s Foot Tin in Pokemon Shield.

Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield have kicked off a new Max Raid Battle event.

While active, Pokemon with tentacles will be featured. That means creatures such as Octillery, Malamar, and Grapploct are more likely to appear. Shiny Grapploct may even show up

Pokemon Sword/Shield

At the end of 2019, The Pokemon Company filed lawsuits against leakers that had made certain information about the games known prior to release. The defendants were involved with uploading pictures to the internet that revealed unannounced Pokemon and alternate forms from the official strategy guide.

We now know that one defendant took these photos while working for the company that was hired to print the strategy guide. A second person involved in the lawsuit ended up posting the images to Discord. According to The Pokemon Company, they soon spread to a “worldwide audience”.

Corresponding with the Pokemon Home update released today (version 1.4.0), a special mystery gift has been released for Pokemon Sword/Shield. This mystery gift is a Bulbasaur and a Squirtle that have the ability to Gigantamax. 

No end has been given for the distribution period of this mystery gift and the two Pokemon can be added to Pokemon Sword/Shield by selecting Mystery Gift -> Get Via Internet. 


Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are now hosting a new Max Raid Battle event.

This time around, froggy Pokemon are being featured. Creatures like Venusaur, Politoed, Croagunk, and Seismitoad will appear more often. If you’re lucky enough, a Gigantamax Venusaur or a Shiny Politoed could show up.

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